The Capture

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    About a month had passed since Andre, Lisa and I became Rangers. We've fought monsters, defeated Tyrannodrones, and grew closer to finding Melhorn's base with each passing day.

    However, today was different.

    We were in the lab. Lisa was at one of her after-school clubs, Trent was out with his publisher, and Conner and Ethan were upstairs with Dr. Oliver.

    "You're a girl. You have no business being our leader." Andre was in my face, my back against the wall.

    "And you think you'd make a better one? You can't even show up to training on time, and every time I come up with a strategy to take down a monster, you mess it up on purpose to make it look like it's my fault."

    "That's because your plans are stupid, and would fail even if I didn't mess them up."

    I finally shoved him off. "Keep your hands off me."

    "You should never have been made Red Ranger. You shouldn't have been made a ranger at all!" He drew a fist back.

    Suddenly, a hand caught his wrist and pulled him back. "Wow!" Conner was holding onto Andre tightly and pulling him away. "Easy, now."

    Ethan was at my side. "Are you good?"

    "Fine." I spit out. "I need some air."

    Ethan pointed up the stairs. "I'll be out there in a minute."

    I didn't say a word as I left the lab and stormed out of Dr. Oliver's house, flopping down on the porch and holding my head in frustration. "I can't do this anymore."

    "Aubrey, what's going on?" I heard footsteps and I looked up to see Trent. The ice that had been building up in my heart thawed at the sight of him and I slowly dropped my hands.

    "I'm fine. Just got into an argument with Andre again." The porch step creaked next to me as Trent sat down, and I turned to look at him.

    He seemed shocked at something as he reached out and ran his thumb under my eye. He looked at his thumb and back at me. "You've been crying, AB."

    AB was his nickname for me, and any other day it would have cheered me up to hear him say it. Today just felt awful in every way.

    "What's wrong, AB?" He asked as he pushed the hair from my face.

    I wiped my face and looked at him. "I can't take this pressure. Being a leader isn't what I wanted."

    Trent smiled. "It's okay, AB. I know what it's like to-"

    I suddenly felt a wave of anger hit me like a bag of stones and I cut him off. "Do you know what it's like to be a leader? To have your teammates throw a punch at you because they didn't think you were worthy?"

    "W-well no, but-"

    "Exactly, Trent. You will never be a leader so don't act like you know what I'm going through, because you don't!"

    Silence passed between us as he moved his hand away from my face. He looked into my eyes, and I could see every ounce of pain that I had just caused him in two sentences. Through the pain, I could tell he was searching for something in my eyes.

    My chest started pounding with anxiety as he stood up. I reached out to him, gently grabbing his hand. "Trent, wait. I didn't mean that."

    He jerked his arm away from me and turned towards the house. "I know exactly what you meant, Your Highness." He spat the last two words out of his mouth like he had justed tasted something horrible.

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