Missing Black - Part 1

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    The next morning was strange. I woke up, not in my own bed, but leaning against something smooth and shiny, and the air around me felt damp. I lifted my head up, my back stiff from falling asleep while sitting up. Something big shifted beside me, and I suddenly remembered what happened the night before.

    "Oh, Dragozord..." I yawned and stretched as my new friend moved his head down to look at me.

    "Good morning. I didn't want to wake you, but the sun's up." He said quietly.

    I gasped and looked around. "Crap, what time is it? I have school today!"

    I hopped up quickly and pulled my phone from my pocket, flipping it open. It was still way too early to worry about being late for school, but I had a few missing calls. Nothing from my sister, unsurprisingly, but Trent, Nathan, and Ethan had all tried to contact me during the night.

    "You seem troubled." Drago began, pushing himself to his own feet.

    I shook my head. "I'm okay. I think I made the team worry. Oh, Drago. What am I going to tell them? What if they freak out?"

    Drago looked away like he was thinking, then looked back. "Well, you don't have to tell them right away. If you want to wait until you have more control over the power, we can keep it a secret."

    "I'd hate to lie to them, but..." My mind drifted for a moment. What if they tried to take the morpher from me? What if they don't trust me because of what I did before?

    I looked at Drago and nodded. "Yeah. Let's keep it a secret, but just for a little while. I can help them as the white ranger without telling them who I am, right?"

    Drago nodded. "Of course you can. There have been many rangers who haven't revealed their identities to their teammates, even to this day.

    "Really?" I asked. "Like who? And how do you know?"

    "Dr. Oliver spoke of many stories from his days as a young ranger. I was curious, so I always asked him to tell me something new about the Power Rangers of old." He spread his wings a little, nibbling at something underneath a claw. "He spoke of a ranger after his time, that never revealed his identity, even to this day. They call him the Phantom Ranger."

    "The Phantom Ranger? Why did they call him that?"

    He laughed. "I'm not really sure, but apparently he could turn invisible, and, one day, he just showed up when the rangers needed help. He would disappear and reappear whenever he was needed, but he hasn't been seen since Dark Spectre's forces were destroyed so many years ago."

    "What do you think happened to him?" I asked.

    "Some people say he must have died, but I don't think that's the case. I have a feeling he's still out there. After all, he lives somewhere in space, and you know how big the universe is. Maybe he's still doing good for people all over space, at this very moment."

    I couldn't help but smile. His eyes wandered towards the entrance of the cave, full of wonder and a longing to see what was out there.

    "Ya know, for a dinosaur robot, you're really, really smart." I walked over and rubbed his lower chest.

    A laugh rumbled along my hand. "Dr. Oliver and Dr. Mercer made me this way." He began. "I was the last one they made before they dropped the project. Dr. Mercer seemed especially proud of my development."

    He seemed sad at the thought of his former inventors, but he perked up pretty quickly. "How about I fly you close to the school? This cave is a long way from there and you may not get there before classes start if you walk."

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