Dangerous Ground

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"And... done." Hayley said, turning around to reveal her grand spanking new morpher. It was a thing of beauty, the head of a green Mosasaurus being its main attraction. Though it looked like one that was mechanical.

"This is amazing, Hayley." I gently took it as she handed it to me. It shifted back to a metal bracelet and I looked up at her. "Thank you."

"You're sure this guy is trustworthy?" Hayley asked.

"The Gem chose him, and the Gem only chooses good people." I said. "You met him, so you should know."

She thought for a moment then gasped. "You're talking about that Daniel kid who saved your lives and was burned for it."

I nodded. "He found the Gem in his yard a while back. He hid it until yesterday."

It was 3 AM, and I was exhausted. I could tell Hayley was too, so we decided to call it a night. I had to get some sleep before I met Daniel. I stuffed the morpher in my bag and hurried out, pulling up my morpher.

"Sorry for the early wake up call, Drago! I need a ride."

Drago let out a big yawn and I heard scraping metal like he was stretching. "Be there in three."

I dropped my arm and waited. My guard must have been down, because a kick to the back sent me forward. I rolled and turned, finding myself face to face with a batch of Tyrannodrones.

"Guess I dialed the wrong number, I didn't mean for you freaks to get my wake up call."

One growled and ran at me, slashing at me. I maneuvered out of the way and kicked it in the side, knocking it into a dumpster. I laughed as it comically slammed shut. Another one latched onto my bag, but I pulled it away and round house kicked it across the face, sending it flying. I suddenly knew what they were after; the morpher.

I took down three more with a series of kicks, and hurried away before anymore could drop on me. Drago flew overhead, cawing loudly. I jumped just as he swooped down, landing on his nose.

"What happened?" He rumbled as I morphed.

"Tyrannodrones... I have something really important in my bag, does the forcefield around the cave still work?"

"Mmhmm. Only those connected to the morphing grid can enter."

I sighed. "I'll be safe there until time for school."


"You were attacked?" Nathan said as we gathered near the soccer field. I had contacted the team plus sent Daniel a text to meet me there. Now all I had to do was think of a way to tell them the truth while also telling a lie. Daniel wasn't ready for me to reveal the Gem as his.

I nodded. "It was this morning. I was on my way home waiting on Drago to pick me up when they got the drop on me."

"This morning?" Andre piped in. "Why were you out so late? Er, early I mean... I think."

At least Andre was easy to fool.

"We were working late at JKP. Daniel and I split up about halfway home." I looked over at him and, thankfully, he nodded. My heart fluttered as he looked me in the eye.

"And it was just a random attack?" Nathan asked. "Were they after something?"

I shook my head quickly. "No, they just attacked."

Nathan seemed to be thinking, then sighed and wrapped his arms around me. "Just glad that you're okay."

I hugged him back as Lisa piped up. "We just have to be careful from now on. We should stay in pairs at all times."

"Lisa and I will stay together," Andre said. "We spend most of the day together anyway."

"Same for me and Nathan," Alex said as Nathan stepped away from me.

"Daniel and I have most of our classes together and we work together." I shrugged. "This works out."

The bell rang and we hurried in. Daniel was still learning his way around the school, so I took the lead to our first class.

"They were after it, weren't they?" He asked as we hurried down the hall.

"Sort've. I had a morpher made for it. I have a feeling Melhorn had been spying on us."

"We should tell them soon," Daniel stated.

"We'll tell them tonight. You should be ready by then, right?"

He nodded, but his hand shook in response. I stopped him and took it up gingerly.

"It'll be okay. I think you are very close to ready."

"I hope so." He swallowed. "Can I have the morpher to hold?"

I was hesitant but Daniel knew how to defend himself. He would be fine.

I pulled the morpher from my bag and handed it over, and his hands seemed hesitant to take it. He wrapped it around his wrist and pulled his shirt sleeve down to cover up the bracelet. "How do I look?"

"Handsome." I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Let's get to class."


Everything had been quiet for most of the day. Our second day at work was relaxed, yet still a little difficult. Daniel went home with me that night, winding around the alleys. Part of me wasn't ready to introduce Daniel to Drago, since the flight home may be... uncomfortable. That's when we saw him.

I turned the corner, chatting happily with Daniel, when we saw a man in a crisp suit collapsed on the ground.

"Let's help him!" Daniel hollered as he ran over. He pressed a finger against the man's neck as I hurried over. "He's breathing and his pulse is steady."

We carefully flipped over the man to get a look at him so we could wake him up when I gasped and stepped back. This was no man.

Daniel looked at me confusingly. "What's wrong?"

"Get away from him!" I screamed. "That's Melhorn!"

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