Missing Black - Part 2

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    About a week went by since Dr. O discovered that two of the Dinogems were missing. Fortunately, Melhorn hasn't attacked, but it made us all worry that he was up to something. Nathan and I decided to postpone our hangout session until we had figured out where the Dinogems were.

    I spent a decent amount of time with Drago, setting up a little place for me to sleep without having to worry about sleeping against a wall or a metal zord every night. My sister never seemed worried about where I was, or if I was okay. While I wasn't surprised, it made me wonder if she even cared.

    Drago told me about all of the old ranger teams, including a team that called themselves the Jungle Fury Power Rangers. Other than us, they were the newest rangers on the block. I would love to meet them, but I wouldn't even know where to start to look for them.

    I had yet to actually morph into the White Ranger, but little did I know that my day would come to help out my friends and fellow rangers.

    It was like any other, actually. I was with Drago when Trent called my cell, and I hurried to answer it.

    "Hey, what's up?" I asked.

    "Melhorn sent a monster down to the city."

    I sat up from where I was leaning against Drago. "Should I get to the lab?" I asked.

    "No, I've got it covered. I just wanted to let you know. Keep an ear out in case we have to do repairs to the zords again."

    "Okay. Thanks for the heads up." I said, closing the phone. I looked up at Drago. "It's time."

    Drago pushed himself to his feet. "Are you sure you're ready?" He asked.

    I nodded as I stood up. "I have to be. You'll be there when I need you, right?"

    He nodded. "Stegazord and I will be ready when you need us. I'll fly you to the city, you can morph on my back."

    As I clambered onto his back, I remembered something. "Hey, what's the phrase to morph?"

    "White Ranger, Dino Power. Click open the morpher."

    "Okay... thank you." I said, anxiously. "Let's go."

    He screeched and took flight, dousing me in water as we flew through the waterfall. I pushed my now soaked hair out of my face, but it felt like it was almost completely dried within a matter of minutes. Drago was like a flash of lightning, faster than I had expected him to be when he was in a hurry.

    It wasn't long until we could see the other rangers, fighting off some kind of monster. It looked like a barnacle, fish mix, and it was seriously strong.

    "Time to morph, Aubrey!" Drago called as I watch the monster shoot out barnacles from his fingers, knocking back the rangers.

    "Right!" I said, tapping my morpher. "White Ranger, Dino Power!"

    Drago flew down lower and I jumped off his back, landing between the barnacle monster and the rangers just as it shot out a ray of  barnacles. I instinctively pulled out my sword and deflected them back at him. Sparks flew as it collided with the creature, making it cry out as it fell back.

    "Wow, who's the white dude?" I heard Andre say.

    "I think it's a chick." Nathan added.

    "You'll pay for that, White Power Punk!" The barnacle monster said.

    "No, you'll be paying for the main course!" I said, my voice noticeably distorted. I swiped the air meticulously, creating arrows in the space in front of me. " Eat Laser Arrows, freak. Fire!"

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