A New Shade of Black - Part 2

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    "As long as I'm not in the beams range, I can destroy you without a single issue." As Melhorn wrapped the morpher around his wrist, something was off. The Gem wasn't glowing.

    "Dino Fury, Go!" He called. He didn't morph. "What the..."

    That was when I saw Alex again for the first time. She had regained her strength and launched herself at Melhorn.

    "I won't let you hurt my friends!" She yelled, grabbing the morpher and tugging it off his arm. The Gem glowed.

    "The gem... it chose her!" I yelled to the other rangers.

    Almost like it was built-in instinct, Alex smirked as she wrapped the morpher around her wrist. "Melhorn, was it? You've made your last mistake!"

    A key formed in her hand, and she slammed it into the morpher. "Dino Fury, Go!"

    In an instant, she was transformed. Black and gold wrapped around her until she was morphed, and she got into a fighting stance.

    "Alex is the Black Ranger!" I yelled.

    "Alright!" Nathan laughed. "I knew she was tough."

    Melhorn spat. "One more Ranger makes no difference."

    "We'll just see about that." She pulled out her sword and held it up. "Brachiostaff!"

    He spat back and shot out a blast from his fingers. Like I had before, Alex reflected it back. This time, Melhorn fell.

    She turned quickly towards us, spotting the blaster with our Kyrptonite in it. She turned her sword in a circle. "Energy orb, full power!"

    The orb launched from her sword and destroyed the blaster, making it shatter into pieces. I felt my energy flood back and I quickly stood up.

    "Way to go, Alex!" I heard Nathan call as we got to our feet. "Ready Rangers?" He looked at Lisa and Andre, then at me. Not a bit of malice or regret in his eyes, like Trent.

    "Ready, leader." I called back.

    "Dino Fury, Go!"

    "White Ranger, Dino Power!"

    I felt a rush of energy as we all morphed at once. An explosion appeared behind us, the built-up energy creating an wall of fire behind us.

    Melhorn, for the first time, looked defeated. "This isn't over Rangers. Fortress, self-destruct in one minute."

    "Rangers, we gotta go!" I called. "Alex, this way!"

    "Right!" She called. We ran out of the lab quickly.

    "He'll probably cancel the self-destruct request!" Nathan called. "He just wants us out of the Fortress."

    "The Invisiportal is right ahead!" Lisa called. "Keep running! If we're still in here, he'll keep the self-destruct going!"

    We jumped through the portal as soon as we saw it, Alex going first, followed by the rest of us.

    The Invisiportal dumped as back out at the Museum, disappearing instantly as we landed.

    "Power down!" Nathan called. Alex copied the motion.

    His first instinct was to wrap his arms around Alex and lift her up. They laughed together and shared a kiss, making me smile. If anybody deserved to be happy with somebody, it was him.

    "Power Down." Lisa, Andre and I called out next. Lisa and Andre, rather than acting angry towards me, ran over and wrapped their arms around me. I felt like crying as I held them tightly.

    "You're a Ranger again!" Lisa laughed. "I can't believe it! Why didn't you tell us?"

    "I wanted to prove to you guys that I wouldn't mess it up. I wound up putting you all in danger."

    "Yeah, you kinda did." Nathan said next, her arm still around Alex. "We could've been killed. YOU could have been killed. What were you thinking, running in their by yourself?"

    "I was thinking... I could save her. I wanted to prove to you that I could be an asset, not a burden."

    Alex put a hand on his chest, playfully. "Back off. If she hadn't come in first, I wouldn't have been set free before you got there in time to grab... what's this called?"

    "Dino Morpher. That belonged to Dr. Oliver, before it became yours." Lisa stated.

    "Dr. O was a Power Ranger? Sweet!" She clapped. "Isn't he a little old though?"

    I couldn't help but laugh.

    "Anyways, if you had all come in at once, he would have activated the Blaster right as you arrived. We all would have been destroyed."

    Nathan sighed. "Yeah, you're right." He looked back at me. "Welcome back, Aubrey. Glad to see you back in action."

    "It's great to be back. I'm sorry I kept this from you guys. I was worried you wouldn't let me be a Ranger again, especially with that happened before."

    Andre shook his head. "Hey, you couldn't help what happened before. Besides, we're a team! That never changed."

    It took me a minute to see how much he's grown. This wasn't the same Blue Ranger that questioned authority every time he got his knickers in a twist. No, this was Andre, the True Blue Ranger. A Dino Fury Ranger.

    I stepped back and put my hand in the middle of our circle. "We'll always be a team."

    Lisa dropped her hand in instantly. "Always."

    Andre and Nathan were next, repeating back "always."

    We looked at Alex, who seemed nervous at first, but smiled as she stepped forward. She smacked her hand in the middle. "Always."

    We all lifted our hands, screaming "Power Rangers" into the sky, the sun signaling our unity. This was our team now. Nothing would change that.

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