The Shimmer - Part 1

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    The end of January was approaching fast, and things felt almost normal. Melhorn's attacks felt like it was just another day. We wondered if we would be able to take him down soon. Our problems seemed to be solving themselves now. Well, most of them. I still had two issues.

    Over the past few weeks, I had been watching my friends learn lessons and solve problems, and were slightly rewarded with a shimmer on their morphers. So far, I was the only one that seemed to notice what was going on.

    Another issue I had was a little too close to Lab.

    "So these green signatures on the radar are Invisiportals." Ethan was pointing at the monitor.

    "Why do they randomly pop up like this, anyways?"

    Ethan sighed. "Mesogog was smart, but even his inventions had glitches. Our theory is that when Melhorn opens one, it actually opens multiples. The beam just needs a power readjustment, but we won't tell him that."

    I smiled. "Course not."

    I heard footsteps behind us from the stairs, and I turned to see Trent there. He hadn't seen me yet.

    "Hey Ethan, have you seen Aubrey?"

    He lifted his head and saw me, and I finally looked away.

    "I have, and now she's leaving." I said, moving towards the staircase.

    Trent grabbed my arm as I tried to squeeze past him. "Aubrey, wait."

    I shot him a glare. "Take a hint, Trent. I want nothing to do with you. If it wasn't for Ethan insisting we need you, I wouldn't even want you to be here."

    I ripped my arm away and stomped up the stairs. I expected him to chase after me, but he didn't. I was glad, but at the same time, I was kinda disappointed.

    "Hey, what happened?"

    I turned my head. Nathan was walking towards me, ready to pull me in for a hug if I needed it. I did.

    He rested his head on top of mine and sighed. "Trent again?"

    I only nodded.

    Nathan sighed. "Don't hate me for this, but I think you need to talk to him."

    I pulled back a bit to look at him. "Are you serious?"

    "Wait, wait, hear me out." He said hastily. "I know he was in the wrong, but don't you think you should give him the chance to explain himself?"

    I looked away. "I don't know if I can."

    "Don't you think you should try? We have to work with him."

    I eyed him carefully. "Are you saying that I should forgive him?"

    He shook his head. "If you want to forgive him, that is your choice. All I'm saying is that you two should talk. Remember, people can change. But you need to give them the chance."

    "Using my own words against me?" I smiled. Maybe he was right. Neither one of us were in the right, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't talk this out.

    "I'll do it tomorrow. I'm still a bit irritated from a few minutes ago."

    Nathan nodded, planted a kiss on my forehead and went down to the Lab. I was about to leave when Nathan popped his head back out.

    "Ethan's calling a meeting. He says he saw something weird with our power levels."

    I went back down, waiting patiently with Nathan while avoiding Trent's eye, until Alex, Lisa and Andre popped out from the Zord Bay.

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