Sometimes it is Black and White: Part 1

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    The bell rang at the end of fifth period, signaling that my wait to eat a real meal was finally over. I stuffed my books into my bag quickly and looked over my shoulder at Andre and Lisa, who were talking to each other happily as they collected their belongings.

    "I'm starving!" I said as I joined them.

    "You missed breakfast for training this morning, right?" Andre asked. "I was wondering how I had gotten to school before you had."

    "Trent is just making sure Nathan is ready for his first interaction with Melhorn's goons. Enough about ranger duties, let's go eat."

    "Yeah, I'm ready to chow down." Andre chuckled.

    "Not me!" Lisa said as she pulled out a brown bag. "I'm on the go today."

    "Got a club activity?" Andre asked.

    "Sort of. I'm on the New Student Welcome Committee, and we have two new students coming in."

    "This late in the day?" Andre said as he flipped over his watch.

    "Well they mostly just did the paperwork this morning, I'm just going to be welcoming them and showing them the rest of the school. I'll also be bringing them around to meet people, you guys specifically. I can't imagine any other group of people being more accepting since our social circles were pretty different before we became rangers." She happily hugged her books as she looked between us, staring a little longer at Andre.

    "Well, I'm sure they'll be awesome. Can't wait to meet them." Andre said as he rubbed a hand on Lisa's back.

    "When will we be meeting them?" I asked.

    "About the last twenty minutes of lunch. Is Nathan sitting with us again?"

    "It's not like he has anywhere else to sit, he ditched his old friends since they were kind of jerks to him."

    "Well, as long as he's got a better circle. I gotta get going, see you guys later!" She grabbed and gave our hands a good squeeze before running out of class like a giddy little puppy.

    "I swear that girl gets happier every day." I giggled.

    "Yeah, me too." He looked at me. "Did you know she has depression?"

    "Wait, seriously?" I looked at him. He only nodded. "I had no idea."

    "That's why she didn't have friends before meeting us. She never really liked talking to people, it just upsets her."

    I thought back to all the times I saw her before we became friends. She never did sit with anybody at lunch, she always just read a book or did homework. I don't even think she was in any clubs or groups. I just thought she preferred studying instead of doing any kind of social activities, I hadn't realized she was battling her demons on the side.

    Andre shook his head. "Come on, let's get to lunch. I'm sure Nathan is waiting for us."

    I nodded. "Right." I almost completely forgot about the conversation Nathan and I had had this morning, and I had to fight the feeling to gush to Andre. This was probably news I needed to discuss with Lisa first before I made it public. More than that, I needed to talk with Trent. I had to confirm a few things and creating unnecessary drama beforehand would only make the situation more awkward. I can wait.


    "Twins, huh?" Nathan asked.

    "I hope they're nice," Andre said as he stuck his fork into a rather sad looking potato. "I think we can all agree we've had enough negative energy these past few weeks."

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