Goodbye Red Beauty: Part 1

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    I felt lightheaded as Andre and Lisa led me back to the lab. I insisted that I walk on my own, but after falling a few times I finally allowed them to help me.

    Ethan and Coach wrapped themselves around me as we wobbled up to the front door of Dr. Oliver's home, letting Andre and Lisa take a break from carrying my dead weight.

    "What were you thinking?" Ethan groaned as he held me tighter. "You could've been destroyed out there."

    "They would have been destroyed if I hadn't been there."

    Coach shook his head. "At this point, you can say goodbye to that recruiter. You can't walk in this state, let alone score goals and run around a soccer field."

    I gave him a sarcastic smile. "At this point, I'm not worried about it as much as I am about my ranger duties."

    Coach grit his teeth. "I doubt you'll have your ranger powers for much longer, at the rate you're going."

    They helped me down the stairs carefully, sitting me down in the computer chair gently. Ethan looked me over while Conner disappeared up the stairs, most likely to update Dr. O.

    "You got worse." Ethan shook his head.

    "What do you mean?" I asked.

    "Your speech is slurred, your skin is paler, look how many bruises you got! You shouldn't have these, your Ranger Powers are supposed to protect you from injury to your civilian form." He put his hand to his forehead. "Your body is thinning. You're being drained..."

    "Aubrey?" I heard Trent's scared voice from the back room. He quickly made his way over to me, covering his mouth as he got a look at me. "Oh no."

    "It's really that bad, huh?" I said quietly.

    Ethan shook his head. "It was a stupid idea for you to stay here. You were going to be tempted to fight if you were here." He looked at Trent. "Get her out of here. I don't care where you take her but she can't be here anymore." He fiddled with my morpher for a moment. "Your communicator will be off until you get better."

    "But what if you need me?"

    "We don't." He shot at me menacingly as he glared me down.

    My heart shattered at that moment, and I instantly felt like I was isolated from the team again.

    He shifted his attention to Andre and Lisa. "As for you two, get out of here. Go home, get some rest and don't come back until you're called back. Understood?"

    They were reluctant to respond, but they finally nodded and disappeared from the lab quickly, giving me a final look over their shoulders as they clambered up the stairs.

    "Trent, do not bring her back here unless I call you. She has no business being here until she fully heals. You're her mentor and her trainer so you are responsible for her actions."

    Trent nodded and grabbed my arm gently. "You're turning to skin and bone... you can't be doing this anymore."

    I only nodded as he pulled me back to my feet, and he helped me hobble up the stairs and back outside.

    Once he helped me in the car, he pulled the belt down and gently buckled it into the seat. He was being so careful with me, I must have looked like a wounded animal. He wasn't wrong though, I really was looking thinner all of a sudden. The change was so quick and dramatic, it was like an awful special effects movie. My legs looked thinner in the shorts I was wearing, the tank top I had on was now baggy instead of form-fitting, and my arms went from lean muscle to toothpicks. I could see the bone definition along my forearm. I looked like something from a Halloween movie.

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