The Rescue

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My head was pounding. I couldn't focus on anything, I couldn't even open my eyes. Everything was so cold. Was this what death felt like? My warmth had left my body what felt like hours ago, but I only grew colder and colder. I think my body was overexaggerating this pain, though. Maybe I was fine.

"Aubrey... wake up, Aubrey!"

I was finally able to force my eyes to see, my vision so blurry I thought I might vomit. I couldn't slow the spins, so I just laid there, staring at the swirling ceiling. My body felt so heavy.

A face suddenly loomed over me, but I just couldn't tell who it was. His face was strong, his hair was sandy, and I could see blood smeared in a few places. He looked hurt.

"Are..." I swallowed. Words were so hard right now. "Are you okay?"

That seemed to make him laugh as I finally was able to slow the swirling. His face looked familiar, then everything settled. It was Carter.

"What's so funny, Carter?" I asked as I felt a hand touch my face. It was so warm.

"You almost bled out in front of me, and you're asking if I'm okay?" His eyes welled up for a moment. "You're something else."

I scoffed. "Excuse me for caring."

"Want to sit up?" He asked, and I nodded. His hand slipped behind my back and pulled me up gently. I helped him as much as I could, but I was in pretty bad shape. Once my back was against a wall, I noticed my ankle felt heavy. I looked down and noticed a chain wrapped around my extremely bloody leg, which was covered up in ripped cloth.

"They realize we can break these chains if we morph, right?" I rolled my leg back and forth slowly.

"I don't think that's gonna be a problem." He showed me his now empty wrist, and I looked at mine, too. They took our morphers.

"Damn it, what now?" I growled.

He stood up and looked around the room. The rippling of muscles in his back made me realize he was shirtless, and that the ripped cloth on my leg was probably the remains of his shirt. "The powers must still be active. You would have been dead already if the Morphin' Grid wasn't still attached to you."

"At least I can be grateful for that," I muttered. "But how do we get out of here? How do we warn the others?"

"Hopefully they can track our last known location and find us. It's been a few hours so they should have gathered up all the teams." He looked at me. "I have a feeling this Plant was a set up. They're trying to lure all the Rangers here, and they'll probably use the Signal Dampeners they used in the quarry before. Our friends don't stand a chance, Melhorn won't make the same mistake twice. He'll take their morphers and kill them on the spot."

"Well, that prognosis is pretty grim." I pulled my good leg up to my chest and looked at the ceiling. This room was so dark and dusty, and the bars on the door told me this room was make-shifted into a cell. Besides the chains on Carter and me, their was four more in this room. I could see from the sim light of the hallway that there were multiple rooms set up like this, meaning Melhorn had anticipated us recruiting the other Rangers. We may have led the Power Ranger world into its demise.

"Wait," I looked at Carter. "Don't we have allies that aren't connected to the Morphin' Grid? Like Jarrod and Camille?"

He shrugged. "Who knows if they will bring them? We can't rely on our allies to save us, Aubrey."

I sighed and rested my head against the wall. "Then what can we do?" I asked.

He looked at me sadly and sat down next to me. "Well, seeing as we have no way out, all we can do is wait. Pray that the other Power Rangers are coming for us." Carter put an arm over my shoulder and pulled me into a comforting half-hug. "They are our only hope."

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