The Betrayal

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Standing in the middle of the city, I knew what was coming. The moon glowed brightly that night, giving an ominous feeling. I heard footsteps approach from behind and I turned around.

Trent was among them. Injured and unable to stand on his own, Ethan was holding him up. He looked at me. "Melhorn?" He gasped.

"Guess again," I replied.

"Aubrey?" I heard Andre as he stepped closer, but Conner grabbed his shoulder.

"How can we be sure?" Conner seemed worried, betrayed and hurt by Melhorn's trick.

"Let me show you." I held my morpher and tapped it. "Dino Fury, Go." My suit appeared around me.

"Wow, what's going on with her suit?" Lisa asked.

"You like? Melhorn hooked me up with a power boost."

The triangles on my suit were now black instead of white, and the logo on the chest was gone, replaced with claw marks.

"What did he do to you?" Trent rasped.

"He gave me power. I am your enemy now, and if you want to get to Melhorn, you will have to destroy me first." I pulled out my Thundermax Saber and stared down Lisa and Andre. "Morph, and we will see just how good you are without a leader."

"Should we?" Andre looked at Lisa.

"Do we really have a choice?" Lisa asked, uncertainty ringing clearly through her voice.

Conner stepped forward. "Why are you doing this, Aubrey?"

"You're weak. I gave you a chance to be great, I was a good leader."

Andre stepped forward. "We know you are. I'm sorry Aubrey, I never meant to question that."

"It's too late for apologies. Morph, and I'll give you your punishment."

Lisa and Andre held up their morphers, Andre staring me down. "I won't let you defeat us." They clicked their morphers. "Dino Fury, Go." Their suits appeared and they got into a fighting stance.

I waved them over. "Hit me with your best shot."

Andre and Lisa pulled out their sabers and ran in. Lisa slashed first and I sidestepped to avoid it. I slashed her across the chest, sending her flying back. Andre swung and I pulled the same number on him.

They got to their feet and ran at me, swinging their swords at the same time. I caught their blades on my own and I threw them back, cutting across their chests again. I switched the saber into blaster mode and blasted them back down before they could stand up. They laid on the ground, holding their chests and groaning.

Turning around, I faced my old mentors. Ethan sat Trent down against a light pole and ran back to join Conner.

I grinned. "You want some too?" I put the blaster back in my belt. "Come on. I'll let you get a good hit."

Ethan looked at Conner and nodded and they ran up at the same time. Conner threw the first punch. I caught it with ease, twisting his arm. He cried out as I threw him back. Ethan threw a punch too, which I sidestepped away from and grabbed his shoulder. I landed a few punches to his side and kicked him back, watching him land on top of Conner.

I looked around, feeling proud of my work when I spotted him. Trent was standing there, holding his side and panting. I walked towards him, but he never wavered.

"Why, AB?" He pleaded. "Why would you turn on your team?"

"AB isn't here anymore, Trent." I finally closed in on him, knocking him back and kneeling in front of him. I drew my fist back, glaring him down. "Say goodbye, white ranger."

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