The Shimmer - Epilogue

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    "Target Practice!"

    Eric shot at some makeshift targets on the wall, grabbing Taylor and planting a big slobby kiss on her lips. Wes had finally decided that Eric was in no shape to hold his Quantum Defender and politely stowed it away by his belt loop.

    We decided that after a victory like that, we would celebrate by having a party at Trent's Studio. It has been crazy with the drinks, food, catch-up. I feel like one of the team now.

    "Eric always gets like this when we've had a big victory." Carter said next to me. He looked better with shaggy hair and a clean uniform, rather than with his arms above his head.

    "Do you guys go way back?" I asked, taking a sip of the soda in my cup.

    "You kidding?" He laughed. "Met them all eight years ago. I may have lied, he used to be very uptight. 2003 was when he finally kicked back. Now he doesn't know when to quit when he starts."

    Carter dropped back the remains of his red cup, cringing as he came back up. Must have been strong.

    "I'm gonna go see if Dana wants to dance. Keep getting to know the other Rangers, it'll do you some good."

    He walked away just as Zhar, Justin and the Blue Senturion ran up. Justin was 25, but despite his intelligence, still acted like he was my age.

    "You did good, Aubrey." He laughed, patting me on the back. "I owe my safety to you Dino Fury Rangers."

    "It was everybody that helped. You've got some awesome friends on the Space team."

    He laughed. "Yeah, we really do."

    "Are you planning on staying in Reefside? I think Mesogog and Melhorn still have some unfinished business to take care of with us." I asked.

    Justin shook his head as he took a drink. "Nope, but Zhar here said he was planning on sticking around."

    "I don't have anything better to do. Eltar has been safe for a decade, so consider me a part of the team." He shrugged. "Now, I'm gonna go... get drunk before we start kicking butt tomorrow. Seeya later!"

    The Blue Senturion and I shared a fist bump before they walked away, Justin becoming the life of the party again. I walked over to the Space Rangers, where Andros was daring Tj to do a handstand for two minutes. Tj, in his slightly drunk stupor, fell over in 2 seconds, sending the circle into a flurry of laughs.

    "Hey, I got this!" Bridge flipped instantly onto his hands, and by golly, he stayed there for three minutes! His first instinct after that was to grab a piece of toast off his plate.

    "Mmm. Buttery."

    I laughed, then I was suddenly pushed into the little group where they dared me to do a front flip, which I somehow landed. Casey caught me as I almost fell back, helping me to my feet and inviting me to dance like an idiot. Being the flirty, sober mess that I was, I agreed.

    "So, just friends?" Trent and I had talked before the party started. We both agreed that we worked better that way, and his feelings for Kira still lingered. I could tell by the way they hung on each other.

    "Just friends. We can try again in a few years." I smiled, and we shook hands. It was awkward, but it worked.

    "Are you going back to Ocean Bluff?" I asked Casey, to which he shook his head.

    "Nah, I think I'm going to stay awhile. Jarrod is taking over my classes for me at Pai Zhua Academy anyways, and Rj wants help setting up a second Jungle Karma Pizza restaurant. Reefside is strangely lacking in Pizza Restaurants. You're welcome to start working there, if you want?"

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