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Hello! Yes I decided to write a last minute Christmas chapter, it's going to be fluff I hope you all enjoy!
Asahi's POV:
I woke up cuddling Noya I smiled because I'm so happy I'm able to have the love of my life in my arms,I started kissing all over him until he woke up giggling, "mornin' puppy" he hugged me and hid his face in my chest "morning Asahi" I smiled at this "Do you know what day it is?" He shook his head no. I smiled and kissed his forehead "it's Christmas!" His face lit up and he sat up, "It's not time to open up presents yet we have to do that group call with the team" he frowned "do we have to?" I nodded. He started pouting "I don't wanna!" I smiled and pulled him back down and cuddled him "then we can cuddle until we know the call is over and go open presents" he looked up at me "really!?" I nodded , he cuddled into my chest and said "Asahi your the best boyfriend ever" I smiled.

I know it's short but I wanted to get this out as soon as possible, I hope you liked it!


                                                   Word count:206

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