Last Minute Visits

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Background info:
It was Christmas Eve, Asahi was supposed to be out of town but last minute he decided to surprise Noya with a special christmas gift.
Asahi's POV:
I entered the house and immediately got tackled by me and Noya's dog Lyia, when she realised it was me she got off me. I went to the living room and sat on the couch and waited for noya, he came into the living room in just a towel when he realised I was there he turned red "A-Asahi!?" I smirked and pulled him onto me. He turned redder and tried to get up but I put my knee between his legs and pushed up, "A-Ah!~" he ended up giving up on trying to get up. "Now pup, how about I give you a early Christmas present?" he slowly nodded signaling that I could have his body, I laid him down and took off my pants and boxers. I slowly lifted his legs up his towel falling down in the process I took in the scene, Noya laying on his back his legs in the air and his towel down so I can see his dick and thighs his eyes filled with lust. I licked my lips and watched his face turn red, I slowly pushed one finger inside his ass and watched as he moaned loudly. I waited until he nodded to start moving my finger in and out, "Can I add another?" "A-Ah~ Y- Ah~ Y-Yeah~.." I put another finger in and started doing scissoring motions. Noya turned into a moaning mess instantly, I took my fingers out and lined my dick up with his hole. "You sure you want to do this pup?" He nodded "Yes! Just fuck me already!" I nodded and quickly slammed my dick into him causing him to let out a moan like scream,I kept slamming into his prostate with all my force. Eventually we both came.

I know it's short 😅 I'm sorry.

                                                                              Word count:338

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