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"You motherfucking liar!" He yelled as he pushed his partner away from him watching the once very meaningful rings fall to the floor from his hand. "How could you.."
Noya said as he started to cry looking away from Asahi. Asahi slowly got up and looked a Noya. He pushed Noya to the ground hearing a crack sound come from Noyas arm when he landed. Noya pushed out a scream of pain, Asahi just stared at him.

"If you wanna believe her then do it! But I know the truth. And so what if I did cheat?! It was a small peck on the lips it meant nothing unlike our whole fucking engagement!"

Noya just stared up at Asahi as the tears continued to spill out of his eyes. "So every time you kissed me it meant nothing..?" Asahi glared at him, "what? Of course it meant something!"  Noya smiled. "Going by your logic if the kids you and her had meant nothing then that means every kiss me and you had also meant nothing,because it's just a kiss right?"

Asahi could feel himself getting angrier with every word that came out of Noyas mouth. Asahi slammed his hand onto the wall causing the wall to crack and indent. "Shut the fuck up! If you wanna end our engagement and whole relationship over a small meaningless kiss I had while you were gone then go ahead! I'm not going to stop you,but just know you're going to regret this." And with those words Asahi grabbed his suitcase and left the bed room. A few seconds later Noya heard the front door slam closed.

It's now been 2 years since that happened. Noya is now in a polyamorus relationship with Tanaka and Ennoshita and their getting married. Asahi is now with the girl he claimed meant nothing and he no longer talks to anyone on the team. Noya still gets angry voicemails from him yeah, but he loves his life now. His arm is fully healed and perfectly fine now.

Hi everyone it's Bug here! I'm sorry for not updating recently,I'm just getting tired witb writing and feel like it's a chore. I hope y'all understand that's why I'm not writing as much! I love you all!

- Bug isucktamakiscock

                         Word count:385 words

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