Painting Easel

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Asahi's POV:
"Asa! What are you doing?"  Nishi yelled from the bathroom. I did another stroke of my brush before putting it down and wiping my forehead. Nishinoya stood in the doorway still drying his hair. "Asa, you've been painting for days! Can't you take a break?" He whined, fixing his towel wrapped around his waist. I sighed, going behind Nishinoya and hugging him. "Hun, I need to finish this piece to give to my agents. We could make millions!" He whined and pushed against me. "I know! But come on, you need to take breaks during it!" I sighed and turned him around, lifting his head by his chin. "Fine baby, what do you want to do?" I watched him smile, his dimples becoming more visible. "Can we go on a walk?" "Of course baby, anything for you."

After Nishinoya got dressed we left the house and headed towards the park. "So hun, what's wrong?" I asked. Nishinoya hasn't been acting himself. "You're always paying attention to that painting! You never have time for me.." he said looking down. I could feel my heart slightly break at the look of Nishinoya being upset. "How about we spend this evening together?" His face lit up at that. "Yes! We can go to the spot we first kissed!" He said jumping up and down. "Okay baby, let's go." I said grabbing his hand and started walking towards the place.

   It's been about 30 minutes since we started walking and we made it to the spot. The place we first kissed was the river side. It gave me the inspiration to start painting all those years ago. "Come on asa!" He yelled as he started running next to the river. I smiled as I took off my shoes and placed them next to his. I stood up and ran towards him. He was sitting at this point, splashing his feet in the water. I sat next to him. I felt him lay his head on my shoulder. I smiled at the feeling and laid my head on his. "I miss moments like this." He whispered. He stopped splashing his feet and just laid them in the water. "Me too." I said as I stared at the scenery. There's mountains on the other side of the river and vines were growing on the trees around the river.
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"I love you

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"I love you.., Asa." "I love you too, Nishi." I turned my face to look at him, just to see him looking back at me already. I placed my hand on his cheek and smiled at him. We slowly leaned in and let our lips touch. I could hear the birds and insects making noise while we kissed. We slowly pulled away, as we did we smiled at eachother.

Hey guys! This is the final oneshot of this book. I want to focus more on writing actual books and stories I want to actually publish then fanfiction. If you all want I can post my stories on here for you all to read. I hope you enjoyed the oneshots 2020- early 2021 me wrote. I'm sorry a lot of it was pretty bad. Also all the smut was consensual I just didn't know at the time to make that obvious because I thought it was. I was young and made mistakes and I'm sorry for anything controversial or problematic I did I was young and I admit I made mistakes. I will write last oneshots for my other fanfictions except my one miritama oneshot book. (I am debating on continuing it since I barely wrote any) but thank you all for supporting me during my writing progress! If you all want me to make a discord to get to know you all I will, But for now bye!

Word count: 639 words
Edit: also should I change my username or no?
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