i love you

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This is going to be fluff with a little angst in the beginning
Asahi's POV:
I saw Noya and walked up behind him and hugged him slightly touching his thighs on purpose, he pushed me away. I looked at him confused "Why'd you push me away?" "You touched my thighs.." I got even more confused "but you like it when I touch you thighs" he nodded "but I feel like..your using me just for sex.." he said the last part silently but I heard it, my eyes widen with shock "puppy why would you ever think I'm using you just for sex!?" He lowered his head so he was looking at the ground "Because all we ever do is have sex, it's rare for us to just cuddle and have dates without us ending up having sex." I was shocked. "Puppy.. I'm not using you for sex and I'm sorry that we have sex all the time it's just the slightest things you do turn me on because of how much I like you,no because of how much I love you." He looked at me his eyes wide "I only ever look at you because I love you more than anyone, even when fangirls are trying to get me to like them all I think about is you and if you're around I just stare at you and admire how beautiful you are and how perfect you are.." he smiled at me but I continued talking " I understand if you want to break up, but just know I'm sorry-" he cut me off by jumping up and hugging me wrapping his legs around my waist, "Of course I don't want to break up baka! I love you! Your mine." He kissed me after that and I kissed back even though I was in shock.
Time skip
Noya's POV:
Me and Asahi were cuddling while he kissed everywhere I was insucure about and gave me 5 reasons why I'm perfect, I decided to tease Asahi a bit "You know.. I'm insucure of my dick so you should get on your knees" he turned red and I giggled while cuddling into his chest "God Noya your going to be the death of me." I kissed his cheek "Mhm, I love you too" he blushed redder and cuddled me. We both fell asleep holding eachother causing us to miss a interview we were supposed to go to.

I hope you all liked this chapter!

                                                                             Word count: 416

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