asanoya |so you like me?

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Before we start this oneshot is gonna contain: Fluff,Smut,And some angst
Background information:
Nishinoya has liked Asahi for awhile now and everyone knew that,with the exception of asahi himself. Which no one understands because everyone talks about it but Nishinoya is fine with it,because then he doesn't have to confess. But the problem is Nishinoya wants to confess..but he doesn't know how to confess,he could write a poem,tell Asahi over text,tell him face-to-face,and many more. But he doesn't know which one to choose
Nishinoya's pov:
"Ugh..I need to figure out how I'm gonna confess before I do it obviously,everyone knows that" I said to myself while putting my head in my hands, I've been up all night trying to figure out how to confess to Asahi. I check my alarm clock 3:02 AM "Yes!I can get atleast 3 hours of sleep" I say to myself while walking away from my desk and towards my bed,I get into bed and go to sleep thinking about ways to confess,
BEEP! My alarm clock goes off, I get out of bed and get ready.
At school and on their way to the gym:
"Sooo~~ have you figured out how you wanna confess?~" Tanaka said to me while slightly nudging my arm,"No,I haven't yet..But I'm gonna figure it out!" I said proudly as we got to the gym. "Hey Sugawara can I talk to you?" I say as I walk up to the mother figure of the team,yeah Sugawara's a guy but he can still be a mother figure. "Oh hey Noya! Yeah sure" he says as he walks over to me, "So what do you want to talk about?" He asks me seeing that I'm nervous,no I'm not asking him out or anything he's dating our captain Daichi. But I'm asking him for advice so I can ask out one of his BEST FRIENDS awkward.."W-Well..I need advice on how to c-" "confess to Asahi?" Sugawara suddenly said while smirking, "W-Wait! How did you?-" "Noya it's so obvious,why else would you be so nervous?" He said while he crossed his arms and leaned to the side. "Well are you gonna give me advice orrr" "of course I'm gonna give you advice Noya!" "Okay thanks suga!" "Actually I already helped you confess" Sugawara said smirking happily,I was confused and worried when he said that. I tried to stop myself from stuttering but I couldn't "W-What do y-you mean?" I said obviously scared because I didn't know what he meant, he quietly giggled and said "look behind you Noya". That sentence was what threw me into panic mode. "Look behind you Noya" was the words I least wanted to hear because I didn't know what that meant. I turned around to see the one and only Asahi staring at me with an expression I've never seen him have before,"A-Asahi i-i..u-um.." I couldn't look Asahi in the eyes for some reason,and then he smirked and lifted my head up so I was looking him in the eyes causing me to blush. Suga left us alone and then Asahi said "so you like me?" I froze,I didn't know what to do. I tried to respond but failed, Asahi chuckled and said "Noya don't worry I'm not gonna reject you if you like me" I'm pretty sure I looked like a tomato. Fortunately Daichi called everyone over for a lecture so I didn't have to reply but I knew I'd have to talk about it with asahi eventually,But for now I'm going to try and avoid it.

The next day
It was a horrible day at school and I was hoping practice would be better, I've been avoiding Asahi all day but I knew I couldn't avoid him at practice. All of a sudden I got pinned to the lockers,I looked up at the person who had me pinned to yell at them but I was Asahi. "You can't avoid me forever Noya.." I knew that, "I know,so if you let me go I'll stop avoiding you" He let me go, I let out a loud sigh and said "so do you have any questions for me or anything?" He looked at me and paused,then said "do you actually like me?" Of course he had to ask that,what was I thinking!? But I had to answer him.. "yes..yes I do like you,I understand if you don't like me bac-" Then it happened. He kissed me, I was surprised but quickly kissed him back. We kissed for minutes but it felt like hours,then we broke the kiss for air and walked to practice together.

At noya's house
I'm laying in my bed like the lazy potato I am when a really bad storm hit,Not a lot of people know this but I'm afraid of thunder and lightning. Yes I know my signature move is called "rolling thunder" but I've had a really bad fear of thunder and lightning since I was a kid,like, 3 or 4. The only people who know about this fear is Asahi,Tanaka,And Suga. But suga and Tanaka don't know my address so the only person that I can call to come comfort me is Asahi,so I called Asahi.
Call conversation:
Noya:U-Um hey A-Asahi
Asahi:Oh hey Noya,do you need something?
Noya: U-Um..Well you know how I have a really bad fear of thunder and lightning?
Noya:U-Um well..
Asahi:you want me to come over and comfort you don't you
Asahi:okay I'm on my way
BEEP! Call over I have to wait for my CRUSH to come over and comfort me because of some stupid fear,BANG! I jump,I forgot about the storm. I get under my blanket,curl up into a ball and start crying into my pillow while waiting for Asahi. He finally gets to my house and opens my bedroom door I hear him stop in his tracks when he opens the door but then he runs to my side picking me up and putting me in his lap while hugging me,I cried into his shoulder for what felt like hours. But then he pulled me into a kiss,We started making out letting out small barely audible moans. Then he pinned me to the bed and started kissing my neck,I couldn't stop myself from moaning and then he stopped kissing my neck and said in a certain tone that turned me on "shirt off now" I couldn't do anything but obey, so I took off my shirt and through it to the side. He started kissing all over my body until he got to my V-line,he looked up at me and smirked. He then pulled down my shorts and boxers in one motion and looked me up and down hungrily as if he was a wolf who just caught it's prey,I started blushing like crazy when he slowly started to jerk me off. But soon I was a moaning mess while he started jerking me off faster and faster but soon he started sucking my dick causing me to moan louder..
We all know what happened ;)
Next day
It had been a horrible day at school like always, I've been trying to avoid Asahi all day because of what happened last night. I was walking to lunch while thinking of volleyball and how after lunch I get to go to practice when I got pulled into a janitor closet,I looked up at the person who pulled me into the closet and of course it was Asahi. "What do you need Asahi?" I asked him while he locked the door,"stop avoiding me Noya.." he said while pinning me to the wall "I-I'm sorry for avoiding you.." I said while looking him in the eyes,I was sorry and felt guilty. He nodded basically showing that he accepted my apology and he kissed me passionately and lovingly. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck and he happily hummed into the kiss and I smiled,then someone knocked on the door "Oh god.." we both thought while looking at eachother, Asahi unlocked the door and they saw Hinata standing there.
At practice
Me and Asahi were assigned to close up the gym,so we started cleaning. I finished putting away the volleyballs when Asahi grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him,I immediately blushed and looked up at him and he said "Noya..can I ask you something?" I simply nodded. He then said "Noya..will you be my boyfriend?" I blushed bright red,and then I said "Y-Yes!" And kissed him passionately. Then we heard clapping so we pulled apart and looked at the gym doors, Suga and Daichi were standing there clapping their hands smiling at us. Suga then said "Nice receive Asahi" I turned red and hid my face in Asahi's shirt, he looked down at me and smiled.

                                                                                             Word count: 1549

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