Apology. A/N

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okay so for those people that saw and read the A/N i wrote about my opinion on the comments i got about a oneshot i wrote called late kiss, I am sorry that you ever had to read that A/N. I will admit it was not the best thing for what i named the A/N and I shouldve just kept my opinions to myself because if i did no one wouldve gotten angry and i would not have had to let my anger out on my readers. I got tired of reading the comments and i took my anger out on my readers and people that were commenting the stuff when i shouldnt have. I can say i found the comments really rude and most of them made me feel like i shouldnt add other ships to my fanfiction but,honestly, fuck everyone that thinks I should fucking write a whole other fanfiction for a ship i know i will probably never write again,that is my opinion on it. And like i said in multiple comments I only added tananoya and the other ship because one of my girlfriends wanted me to make a oneshot with tananoya and I decided to just write it on here because she wanted it to me a asanoya oneshot that turned tananoya. I only wrote tananoya for my girlfriend so right now and never did i give a fuck if anyone else shipped tananoya or wanted tananoya in it. I have every right to write whatever ship I want in my fanfiction because I am the author, but I will apologize to everyone for being rude and acting very immature (even though im always acting immature,my friends that read this will understand-) but i just want to say, I am not a real author. Sure I write fanfictions on wattpad and other things but I am not a actual author so I feel like i shouldnt be expected to act like im a real author. I write what I write to make me and my friends happy,thats why I even started writing on here in the first place because I wanted my online friends to be able to see the stories i write for them and the suggestions they gave me that i wrote. i never had the intention of getting 93.8k readers, so even though im grateful for every single one i am not going to be able to please every single one of you. if you do not like a ship i add then dont say anything and dont say you prefer a different ship like in this case asanoya over tananoya. It does not make my anger any better. I will be apologizing to everyone I was rude to individually.

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