valentine's day special

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Noya's POV:
I woke up alone in my bed, I looked around confused and then I saw a note on the bed. I picked it up and starting reading it.

Hey Yuu! I know you're wondering where I am, I'm downstairs. Come down to the kitchen after your done opening your gift that's near the bed. By the way it's a girl, sse you soon love!

I blushed, I looked down and saw a box that was opened a bit. I picked it up, it weighed a lot. I opened it all the way and I gasped, it was a kitten! I picked up the kitten and held her in my arms

 I opened it all the way and I gasped, it was a kitten! I picked up the kitten and held her in my arms

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I smiled at her, "I'll name you Eira" I laid her in the bed and walked downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and froze, "Asahi you didn't have to" he smiled at me "but I did have to, I love you!" I blushed and smiled as he let me hold our new pet- wait no- our new child. I carefully held the ferret and smiled, "what's their gender?" Asahi looked at me "Male" I looked at Asahi "Can we name him Draco?!" Asahi smiled and nodded, I carefully put draco down and hugged Asahi. I kissed him then went back to hugging him, "Asahi your the best Fiance ever! I love you so fucking much." He smiled and kissed my forehead "I love you too Yuu" I stopped hugging Asahi "can we all go upstairs and cuddle?" Asahi smiled and nodded. I carefully picked up draco and we all went upstairs and got in bed with Eira, we all cuddled together and fell asleep.

Sorry it took me all day to post this! I've been having writer's block so it's been hard for me to write but I really wanted to get this out for you all, I hope you enjoyed!

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