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Ok before this starts I'd just like to say I'm sorry for not posting that many oneshots lately, I'm trying to write as many as I can as quick as I can but I'm really busy I promise to be better.
Asahi's POV:
"Asahi!" I heard my mom yell out my name from downstairs,I groaned not wanting to wake up. My mom walked into my room "Asahi, Me and your father are going on a business trip for a month. You have the house to yourself" she walked off, I finally woke up and realised what that meant. That meant I could invite Noya over! Noya and I have been dating for 6 months now and my parents don't know. I've always been scared to tell them about the relationship because I'm not sure if their okay with LGBTQ+ couples or not.. I mean yea sometimes I accidentally start talking about Noya and never stop talking about him until I realise what I'm talking about but I can never tell if my parents are annoyed or are enjoying it,"Asahi we're leaving!" "Okay have fun mom!" They left. I called Noya, after a few minutes he answered.
Noya: Hey Asahi!
Asahi: Hey Noya! So my parents are going on a business trip and I was wondering if you wanted to come over
Noya: Can we have a sleepover?!
Asahi: of course pup
Noya: Ok be there soon! Bye baby!
Asahi: Bye puppy!
I got dressed and went downstairs,5 minutes later I heard knocking on my door, I opened the door and got tackled by Noya "I missed you!" "Yuu." He turned red and quickly got off me "s-sorry Asahi" I got up and hugged him "I missed you too pup" he smile and hugged back. We stopped hugging "so what are we going to do now?" I looked at him "I have a few projects I need to finish, we can cuddle while I finish them then we can watch some disney movies if you want" he smiled and grabbed my hand then led me to my room, he dragged me to my bed and got my laptop and gave it to me "Hurry up and finish them so we can watch movies!" I smiled and laid down and signaled for him lay on me so we could cuddle while I worked. After awhile I finished my projects and looked down at Noya, he was asleep cuddling into my chest while smiling. I smiled and put my laptop on the floor and kissed noyas forehead and went to sleep.
"Honey!Honey wake up!" I opened my eyes to Noya sitting on my chest looking down at me, his hair was down and messy it was adorable. "I'm up, I'm up!" I said as I picked Noya up and laid him back down on my chest and cuddled him, he giggled and kissed me "We still need to watch disney movies!" I chuckled and kissed his forehead "okay, do you want to watch them in here or downstairs my love" he blushed at the nickname "U-Up here.." he looked away because he was turning red I smiled at that.
Noyas POV:
I waited for Asahi to finish putting the movie on, I was wearing boxers and Asahi's hoodie. He always blushes whenever he sees me wear his hoodies. He finished putting on the movie and cuddled me while I played with his hair, we had a movie marathon all night until I ended up falling asleep in his arms during Snow White he turned off the movie and turned off the light. He kissed my forehead and went to sleep.

I hope y'all enjoyed this! It took me awhile to write it😅
Also if y'all have any ideas for oneshots I could write please tell me because I need ideas

                                            Number count:647

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