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Asahi's POV:
Noya started wearing masks because he's insecure,it makes me sad because he's honestly hot as fuck.

Nishinoya came up behind me and hugged me, "wha- oh hi Nishi" "hi asa!" He said muffled behind his mask. I frowned slightly "you're wearing a mask again.." nishinoya rubbed the back of his neck nervously "haha yea" he said. I sighed "alright listen, for everyday you don't wear a mask I'll give you 20 kisses that day,for everyday you do wear a mask you don't get any physical affection." I said trying to get nishinoya to stop wearing the mask.

Nishinoyas eyes lit up after hearing the first part and quickly ripped off his mask. "Alright deal!"

And everyday since then I've given him 20 kisses.


Sorry this is so short I wanted to get this out as soon as possible!

                                        Word count: 146 words

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