14. Team

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You were sure you were at the right address, but you had no idea which bell to ring. Min Yoongi's name was nowhere to be found.

You wondered whether it was actually a trap all along. Maybe he planned all of this to make fun of you and abandon you without a team to make the project.

"Why don't you ring the bell?" Namjoon's voice was heard and you were relieved to see him besides you.

People were treating you so bad you weren't used to kindness. Outside you seemed cool with everything, but in your head the outcome of each situation was thought to be the same. That everyone would leave you. So you wouldn't be surprised if Min Yoongi was lying all along.

"Don't know which name " you told him and he sighed

"He forgot to tell you I guess" He said and you saw he rang the bell with the name JEON JUNGKOOK

What was this name?

When you entered the house Min Yoongi opened the door, smiling at the two of you. The apartment was small but pretty comfortable.

"Go sit, I'm going to bring something to eat while working" Yoongi said and left to the kitchen

You were about to sit at the couch when you saw some photos with a good looking guy you'd never seen before. They were on the walls and you wondered who the hell he was.

He kind of resembled a bunny. He was pretty cute.

When Yoongi came holding cookies (and having some in his mouth) you asked him who Jeon Jungkook was.

"The guy who lives here. A very close friend" he said and pointed at the guy at the photos "It's the most comfortable place for us to work"

You didn't ask more things, like why was this place the best place to be. This Jungkook guy was probably pretty friendly to let three people in his house to make their school project that had nothing to do with him.

You were amazed by how comfortable Yoongi and Namjoon were making you feel. Namjoon was the best student and was leading you perfectly, knowing already what each of you was capable of. You were working smoothly with breaks until the night came.

Someone unlocked the door and there was only one possibility.

The guy named Jeon Jungkook peeked in the room you were in. His eyes examined you, and you guess it was because he saw you for the first time.

In the end, he smiled but didn't say anything. Your cheeks burnt a little, since you weren't used to boys looking at you with such a genuine smile.

In the end, his eyes landed on the empty plate of the cookies.

"You ate all of them?" He asked and Yoongi shrugged, not sorry about it.

He'd eaten the most of them.

"Sorry it took us so many hours. We are finished for today" he said

When Jungkook heard you were finished, he came closer. You saw his body was pretty fit, he had earrings and he was the perfect combination of cute and sexy, you had no idea how was that possible.

He offered you his hand.


"Y/N" You said as you took it

"I don't know you" He said

"Yeah, she was a sudden addition to my team. But I don't regret it" Yoongi said and you felt kind of happy about it

Even your 'close' friends seemed to regret being close to you now.

"Guess it's time to leave" Namjoon said and started packing but Jungkook ran to the kitchen and came back with a bottle of red whine.

"Not yet. I offered you my house, offer me your company. Stay for a drink" he said and smiled.

"You're the youngest and yet you love drinking the most" Namjoon laughed

"He's a year younger than us, but at another school" Yoongi explained to you "I'm in, by the way"

You were suddenly feeling anxious. These three boys were already friends, so you weren't sure of the place you had in there.

"I'm leaving you guys. See you tomorrow at school. It was nice to meet you, Jungkook" You said and waved at them and they looked at you like you were crazy

"You're leaving? Stay with us to drink" Jungkook said and you weren't sure whether this was just because he wanted to be polite or because he actually wanted it.

When he saw you didn't move, he came right behind you, pushing you to sit with them. You were surprised by how comfortable he was with touching you. Namjoon and Yoongi were glancing at the two of you.

"What?" You asked them and they laughed at each other

"Nothing" Namjoon said

This was like a trigger to you. People making fun of you, but not telling in your face their thoughts about you. And you'd have to wonder every time whether something else you didn't know about had happened and was out there destroying your life slowly.

"If it's to make fun of me, tell me to leave already, don't pretend to want me here" You said, trying to hold your anger back

The boys looked at each other.

"I'm sorry... we were actually laughing because Jungkook usually avoids girls... and now he is pretty different. We didn't make fun of you" Namjoon explained but he didn't seem angry

Yoongi and Namjoon knew what you were going through, that's why their eyes were trying to calm you down. On the other hand Jungkook was trying to explain that he was just being nice.

During these hard times, you might had the whole world against you, but there were times like playing at the basketball field or drinking and studying at Jungkook's house that managed to offer you some moments of happiness.

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