19. Fragile

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Three days later after the guys invited Jungkook to play with you, that day came.

"Whoa... Jeon Jungkook, isn't it?" Hoseok asked as soon as the boy walked into the field

They were from the same school, along with Jimin and Taehyung. Hoseok was the only one who knew him though. So the boy introduced himself.

"I'm Jungkook. The guys said you have a great time here"

"Indeed. We got to know Yoongi and Namjoon a few days ago too. I hope we'll get along" Taehyung said and smiled at him, but Jungkook seemed stiff.

Well, Taehyung then had no idea that Jungkook would try to keep your attention busy on him the whole time, even during the game. Whenever Taehyung would try to talk more to you, Jungkook would be there to ruin it, would always try to be on the same team as you, would always try to make you laugh and tell you things privately.

It was a little awkward that he was interfering with your communication with the other boys -you hadn't really noticed his target was Taehyung- but you found it cute whatsoever.

The boy who was only texting you until then, was now making bigger steps towards you. He was doing things to impress you, and really succeeded. He was good at everything, and pretty charming. He was making you feel good about yourself after a long time.

That night, you spent hours during the night to talk to each other through texts, and those nights were repeating themselves at least four times the week.
A month later, things with Yoongi got more serious. Not only he was unable to come at most of your project meetings, but he also started skipping school a lot.

Having only one teammate to do the project with, along with doing Suho's project, made your tiredness even worse, but what you cared about the most, was Yoongi himself.

Namjoon didn't want to tell you anything without Yoongi's permission, so you decided to go find Yoongi yourself.

You got the chance to take a glimpse at school's files, and found the boy's address. You learned it by heart and after school, you went there.

Someone could say it was wrong of you. And you probably agreed.  If Yoongi wanted to tell you what's wrong with his life, he would. But avoiding it every time you asked him, seeing him missing out more and more, you got really worried and you couldn't help it.

Your GPS got you to a neighborhood that was well known that was addressed for people with difficulty in affording  living at other areas. The houses were at bad state, since the residents there were focusing on trying to find a job and get by. No one was bothering with actually fixing the damaged walls, roofs or doors.

You stood in front of the house that was supposed to be Yoongi's. Thoughts of leaving crossed your mind, that he would probably not want to see anyone. Or that you had to text him first before appearing so suddenly. You looked at the house and noticed how small it was. Was Yoongi living alone there? Would he get offended if you offered him to fix the walls together? You felt bad thinking of him living there.

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