1. Wake up

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It was the weirdest feeling you ever had.

Having woken up so many times in your life, nothing ever felt this way. Your body was feeling so light, like a feather, but the atmosphere was so heavy. You could smell iron from where you were lying at.

Someone was talking.

"Is she awake?"

You knew the voice belonged to Kim Namjoon. You felt much safer hearing a familiar person nearby. 

You opened your eyes slowly and someone took you in his embrace. You couldn't smell the iron anymore, but only him. 

"She's really awake? Do you hear me, Y/N? Are you okay?"

Kim Taehyung. That boy was him, asking how you were with low concerning voice. As you opened your eyes and finally  saw, he was the first person you locked eyes with. He was so worried, but soon seemed relieved you had your consiousness.

"There's no time for you to flirt" you heard Yoongi saying, annoyed by the two of you, "Y/N, have you got any idea where the hell we are?"

His voice panicked you. You slightly pushed Taehyung away and looked around, unable to realise where you  were. Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook were around you, and you could see in their eyes the same level of confusion.

The room was dark grey, made of iron, like a panic room. There were only some seats in there and nothing else. And last but not least, a door, but you were watching Jin, Jimin and Jungkook trying to open it with all their might, having no result.

"What... where are we? What's this place?" you asked honestly and Yoongi sighed as he lied to the floor.

"That's what I asked. So Y/N has no idea either"

"The fucking door won't open" Hoseok said as he was watching his friends "Are we gonna die in here? Were we kidnapped?"

"That's possible" Jimin replied, giving up on the door "Where were we before this? I mean, if we are kidnapped, where did they kidnapped us?"

"And why? Why so many of us? Who would manage to kidnap eight people at once?" Jin added "But you're right, we can't remember what happened"

"So kidnapping and memory loss. Great" Yoongi said, looking at the ceiling.

"Have you tried yelling?" you asked

"Only Jin. But this place is too protected, and our kidnappers too smart to managed to put all of us here without getting caught. It would be very stupid of them to put us somewhere we can be heard to the outside world." Namjoon replied.

"I really don't like it and I really don't want to wait in here for something to happen. What if we're never gonna be found? What if we die in here?" Jin was more scared than anyone else.

All of these guys were your dear friends, each one of them having his story. And now you were all trapped inside that room, waiting for something you didn't even know what it was.

You walked in the room like everyone else and tried to find anything that would help you understand something about your situation.

It was while you were walking when that happened.

There were suddenly no lights. You were embraced by darkness and someone who was close to you, Jimin as you guessed, held your hand tightly to not get lost. 

You friends were also wondering what was happening.

And then, a word appeared in front of you with light blue letters.


What the fuck?

And then, a phrase.

There is 1 Impostor among us

What is going on?

Lights on. You and your friends were now in a circle, in a place that looked like a spaceship. You were still holding Jimin's hand, and he tightened his grip as he was the first one to talk.

"Did everyone see that? The blue word? Crewmate? Impostor? What the hell is going on?"

"I saw that too. And where are we?" Jin added.

Everyone's eyes were expressing the fear for the unknown that was taking place.

But Taehyung's eyes were only glaring at the hands you were holding with Jimin. Embrassed, you pulled your hand away, and Jimin was too scared to pay attention.

"We are in a different place now" Namjoon said looking around "It looks like a cafeteria, but i see open doors. Let's explore this place."

Taking a deep breath, you nodded and the eight of you started walking inside that place, having no idea what was happening.

There is 1 Impostor among us? What does that mean?

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