7. Alone

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"I get that it saddens you, everyone is talking about it. But both of us know that it's pretty easy to prove it's not you in the picture" you friend Lisa said.

Both of you were sitting in the classroom during break. You were looking outside the window. The sun was barely shining in December's grey sky.

"What do you mean?" you asked her, kind of irritated, hoping she wouldn't say what you were thinking she'd say.

"Reveal your real body. Or a part of it. They'll see it's not the same. Expose this Taemin scumbag." two sentences that made you sigh

"Reveal my body? You mean doing exactly what I'm saying I haven't done?"

"They will see it's not the same"

"Lisa, no one will believe me. Taemin is Taemin, everyone loves him. If I do such a thing now, it's easy for him to say I made everything up. That I'm desperate. That I just ate more or less or did plastic surgery. That I did it to blame him. His lies are more powerful than my truth"

She looked at you contemptuously.

"You're depressed about it, yet you're not doing anything about it. Stop whining and take action. You're getting on my nerves, seriously Y/N"

You glared at her.

"Whining? I'm not even talking about it, so what exactly bothers you about me?"

When she didn't reply, you stood up and walked away.

You met the other girl you were hanging out from your class, Rose, sitting at the stairs, reading a book. With her red hair, she was really standing out. You sat next to her and smiled.

"Why are you here alone? Lisa and I were in the class" you told her.

As soon as her eyes met yours, she started behaving awkwardly, moving in her place, and looking around a lot.

"Oh, I... I just wanted to stay a little bit alone"

"Okay..." you murmured

The past few days you knew Rose was avoiding you like crazy. You thought it was the right time to ask why.

"Rose, I've noticed that lately... you..."

"Oh, I told Lisa I'll give her some notes for the class, sorry I have to head back..." she said in hurry and was about to stand up, but you forced her to sit down again by pulling her from the arm.

"I was talking, and you're gonna hear me. You're avoiding me, Rose, and I wanna know why"

She didn't speak for a while. Right then, a boy passed by and laughed at Rose's place.

"What a nice friend you have, Rose" he mocked and you were disgusted by him

When he walked away, you noticed how stiff your friend was. She didn't dare to look at you in the eyes.

"Do you get it now? Because of what's going on with you and that picture, Lisa and I... have to go through many comments and mockeries like this. And I really can't take it, Y/N. When they see you with me, they are treating me like... Lisa might be okay with it, but I'm not. I'm sorry"

"But... but Rose, you know it's not me in the picture"

"That's irrelevant, Y/N"

She ran as if someone was hunting her. Her words broke your already broken heart.

"I guess I couldn't be more alone" you thought to yourself.

When you were about to enter the class, you saw Yoongi talking with your class president, Kim Namjoon.

"Yoongi" you called him

He looked at you, and Namjoon was surprised the two of you were talking

"About that team project, I'm in" was all you said.

You caught a glimpse of his smile and heard Namjoon's words as you were walking in the class.

"Are we doing our project with her??"

"We need a third person, and she's fine"

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