18. Doors

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Second round began, and you managed to get away from Taehyung again.

You headed to storage, where you cleared the trash. Then, you downloaded data from weapons and cleared asteroids. You made sure many people saw you during that time.

At admin, you saw where your friends were, and you noticed the one person at navigation. You thought it would be Yoongi since he hadn't finished his task there, but when you went there, you saw Jimin.

"Oh hey" he told you as he was doing his task

"Hey. The previous round you left pretty quickly. Did anything bother you?" You asked him as you were making sure no one would come.

You heard him gulping.

"Nothing really..."

"It was like...you were annoyed by Hoseok talking about me and Tae" You told him

He avoided looking at you. It was then that you sabotaged reactor, which was to the other side of the map. So everyone would run left side.

This way, they would be very late to find the body at the right side. At navigation.

"I'm not sure whether you suspect me of killing Hoseok, or you wanna tell me I'm jealous or something..."

He didn't even finish his words, and you pulled the knife. It was very late when he saw it.

He was looking straight into your eyes as he was falling down. For some reason, this was the most painful moment of all in this game. Jimin, dying by your hand, was looking at you but he didn't seem angry or surprised.

He smiled at you and died. You ran away and vented to reach reactor faster.

It needed two people to get it fixed. By the time you reached the place, Yoongi and Jungkook had fixed it.

Jin was also there.

The impostor would act like nothing happened, but inside of you, you were dying.

Why did Jimin's death hurt so much compared to Hoseok's?

Everything about this place and your feelings seemed wrong.

Taehyung was the one to find the body and call the meeting.

Who is the impostor?
Voting time: 120 sec

"Jimin is dead. At navigation" Taehyung said and you saw at everyone's face how much they were trying to remember

"Yoongi said he didn't finish his task at navigation" Jin said

"But I did as soon as the round started. I passed by Jimin at MedBay, didn't see him after that" Yoongi said

"Namjoon and Taehyung weren't at reactor. Where were you?" Jungkook asked

"I was at cafeteria, I thought a kill would take place and didn't come to reactor to inspect the place. But in the end I didn't see the killer, but I was right. Kills are more likely to happen during sabotage" Taehyung said

If what he said was true, it was pretty dangerous to have him walking around despite the sabotages.

"I was on my way to you guys, I just had a hard time at electrical and couldn't abandon my task" Namjoon said

"We don't have any leads. Namjoon was suspicious previous round too and now he wasn't seen, Yoongi was the one that went to navigation for sure, Tae claims to inspect the place but saw nothing, Y/N was the last to come to reactor out of the people that came... I don't know..." Jin said confused

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