5. Oxygen

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"It's one of you two... one of you two lied" You heard Taehyung saying as soon as you opened your eyes, only to see you were at the cafeteria again and he was staring at Jin and Hoseok. "Y/N and I were together the whole time, the two of you accused Jungkook... Who is it?"

"Tae... we can talk through this... I'm as shocked as you are, I mean... he was the only one who entered admin..." Hoseok tried to say

You ran to the table and pressed the emergency button. But its countdown wasn't over yet, you had to wait 20 more seconds before pressing it.

"Don't leave this room, we have to call the meeting and discuss it..." you told them, but everyone was busy staring at each other, trying to find the Impostor who had managed to trick everyone so well.

When there were 5 seconds left to press the button, suddenly red light started blinking. A notification in red letters appeared on the screen on the ceiling.

Oxygen depleted in 40...39...38... (0/2)

"We're gonna die... from suffocation?" Jin said in dread and his body paralyzed in fear.

"Who did this? How did this happen?" Hoseok yelled.

It was then that deep inside you knew. It was already game over.

When the countdown from the button was over, you pressed it but nothing happened. A message appeared in front of you, saying you couldn't press the emergency button during crisis.

"No...no..." you murmured, seeing there were only 25 seconds left for the oxygen.

You noticed green arrows on the floor showing towards two ways. One towards admin, and the other towards weapons room.

"They must be something. Let's follow them!" Hoseok said and you looked at Taehyung desperately.

He grabbed your hand and dragged you with him where the arrows towards weapons were leading.

"Go in admin, see if there's anything we can do" Taehyung yelled at them.

Following the arrows you saw they were leading at the O2 room. The last arrow pointed at a little computer where you had to type a given code. As soon as you typed it and pressed OK, something changed at the sentence on the ceiling.

Oxygen depleted in 14...13...12... (1/2)

"One out of two? Then...if a code is typed at admin too, will the oxygen be fixed?" you asked, your eyes shining from hope.

But as soon as you met Taehyung's gaze, his eyes teary, he smiled bitterly.


"Then the guys..."

"One of them is the impostor, Y/N. Do you really think he would let the other fix the oxygen?"

Your eyes were wide open. You pushed Taehyung and ran towards the way the arrows were showing, at admin.

The countdown from the ceiling was shining red, and nothing ever had felt as real as this.

Five more seconds, and you entered admin. The arrows were pointing at a little computer at the corner of the room, with a code ready to be typed.

In front of the computer, a dead body with the hand stretched forward, as if he wanted to reach something.

Above the body, Jin was looking at you, as he was wearing an oxygen mask you were sure he didn't have before.

As the countdown reached 0, you found yourself unable to breathe.

"I'm so sorry" was all Jin said under his mask, as your vision was getting more and more blur.

You felt yourself dying.

You stretched your hand to reach Jin, even though it was all in vain. You watched him as he was watching you die.

You remembered how you killed Jungkook by throwing him into nothingness. His teary eyes.

Taehyung's embrace.



He was the last person you thought of as you died.
There is 1 impostor among us

Maybe it's a dream

Why am I not awake yet?

You woke up hearing someone fighting. Opening your eyes, you saw Hoseok and Yoongi literally punching and kicking Jin, while Taehyung, Namjoon and Jimin were trying to stop them.

"YOU KILLED US! YOU... HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?!" Yoongi yelled, feeling betrayed.


Taehyung, Jimin, Jungkook, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jin were there. They were all alive.

You couldn't believe it. You stood up and looked at everyone, unable to realize what was happening. Were they ghosts? 

The pain was real. You knew you were actually suffocated, you had actually died. Looking around, you were at the cafeteria again. The emergency button was there, the tasks were in your pocket, nothing had changed, but instead it looked like it had began again.

"You...you let me die. You didn't believe me. You voted me to die" Jungkook said.

He had every memory.

"I'm so confused... Jin killed me...and I'm here again, alive..." Jimin said.

"Jin, please tell me... Tell me you can explain any of this..." Namjoon begged.

Jin was crying, lying on the floor to protect himself from the hits. He was saying sorry again and again, your heart ached seeing him like this.

"Jin... We seem to be trapped in here, some absurd things are happening and we need to know if you know something..." Jimin tried to persuade him.

Jin looked at all of you. He couldn't believe it.

"How are you all...alive? I can't believe it, I... I didn't want to... I didn't want to do this please believe me I would never do this to you..."

"Take a breath and explain..." Taehyung encouraged him.

As soon as he started talking, you realized many things.

And the most important; once again, one of you was the impostor, ready to kill and sabotage in order to win.

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