13. Split

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Jin was right. You would never know how the impostor actually felt until becoming the impostor yourself.

That was your part now.

Waking up once again didn't actually feel like the other times. The feeling of numbness and depression and wanting to give up from tiredness and confusion was not here this time.

Your body was now in survival mode and you could feel that in every cell of yours. Looking at each of your friends, no matter how much you loved them, you knew that it was more important for you to be victorious in this round.

When was the last time you actually wanted to live so much? You were sure at some point you did.

"I can't do this anymore. Can't we all just die? I don't want to be a fucking part of the shit that's going on" Jungkook said under his teeth.

This time, no one was looking at him with hatred, even if they wanted to. They were confused, and their eyes became softer when they saw Jin embracing the younger boy. The two of them knew what it was like to be impostor, what it was like to kill your friends.

You wanted to cry. You wanted help. You didn't want to do it, but in your mind you were already planning dozens of ways of how to cause their deaths.

Taehyung came closer and kissed your head. You needed him so much, and at the same time you realized how much of a danger he was, since he always wanted to be with you.

"We failed again..." Jimin said

Was it your imagination or did he really try to avoid looking at you and Taehyung?

"This is really... I really don't know what to do... The impostor is too strong. He sabotages lights and then everything is too easy for him since we see nothing." Namjoon said

Two rounds had occurred and everyone was already emotionally exhausted.  There wasn't any way possible for you to get used to this, or for you to wake up soon.

The crewmates had to win. But this time, you had to win. You were now realizing the feeling the impostor had every time. It was like you really had something important to lose. That you had to save yourself no matter what happened. That the reason the impostor was so strong every time was because of this feeling, and because of the strategy he was able to think of.

"I have an idea" Jin said and everyone looked at him

"Anything might be helpful right now" Jimin said

"As an impostor, I wasn't able to admit anything about me being the impostor. So, if we... if we all say that we are the impostor, the real impostor will probably be unable to say it"

They were all amazed by his idea, and at the same time you were afraid of it. You were actually worried that his plan would be successful.

You could sabotage the lights that very moment, but your gut told you to stay still.

"I'm the impostor" Namjoon said, satisfied by himself and feeling like he had proved himself clean.

"I'm the impostor" Jin said, eyeing each of the rest of him friends.

"I'm the impostor" Jimin said

"I'm the impostor" Taehyung said

When you saw everyone was looking at your place, you realized the truth came easily out of your mouth

"I'm the impostor"

They averted their gaze from you, unable to realize the difference of your words compared to theirs.

"I'm the impostor" Yoongi said

"I'm the impostor" Hoseok said, and you saw how anxious they all were now that only one person was left.

"I'm the impostor. It didn't work. I get what Jin has in mind, but I perceived it differently. The impostor can say the truth, only if that helps him to survive. Right now he admitted himself, and just by doing that, we are not sus of him because he did what everyone else did. He will do anything to survive and to become the least suspected. I managed to make three people take the blame and I barely killed, and everyone was sure I was innocent." Jungkook said to everyone's disappointment.

Jin was devastated that his plan wasn't successful.

"Maybe being all together during the game is not the right thing to do. It prevents us from moving faster or finishing the tasks or seeing more things to find out who is where and why" You said and you hoped they wouldn't be suspected of you since you put it so logically

"So... splitting?" Hoseok asked and you  nodded.

The guys seemed to think about it for a while, but in the end,  they agreed.

You could see how easy it was to persuade them.

"Let's go to this side" Taehyung told you and pointed at the MedBay side, but you smiled at him.

"Tae, you're really smart and hanging around me all the time doesn't help anyone. If I'm in danger I promise I'll call your name. Like I do every time, right? Go do your tasks and I'll do mine" You told him and kissed him before leaving towards admin.

You were glad to see he didn't follow you.

You were disappointed that his kiss didn't make you feel anything.

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