3. Picture

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"I told you... it's not me..."

"Weren't you his girlfriend before? And this body... really looks like yours...Just admit it, the whole school knows already"

The three senior boys wouldn't leave you alone. Having you pinned on a wall at school's backyard, they were showing you a picture at their phones; a young girl's naked body, posing in a sexy way.

The picture was leaked by your ex boyfriend, Lee Taemin, and apparently he'd said that this girl is you. But you knew it was not you. However, no one seemed to want to leave you alone about this matter.

Since that day everyone seemed disgusted by you, and you had to bear with the dirty looks, as if you were a porn star they were finally meeting or something. For the time being it was only a joke among the students of the school, but you were afraid teachers, or even parents would hear about it too. 

And you had done nothing. You weren't at fault. 

But Taemin didn't even care what was everyone saying about you.

Did you really had to beg him to confirm something that has nothing to do with you? That was just sad.

"It's not me" you said once again, hoping someone would realize the sincerity of your voice.

One of them smirked, closing the space between you two.

"Prove it then"

You felt shivers to your spine. That very moment, you were so afraid, so desperate. 

You didn't wanna cry, to show weakness or to look like you were indeed at fault. You didn't wanna scream for help, and of course, you wouldn't ever show your body to them to prove anything. 

"She has nothing to prove to you, dickheads"

You saw behind your bullies' backs a guy coming. You knew his name, he was in your class. A guy who was not afraid to mess with anyone, but a guy everyone was afraid to mess with.

Min Yoongi. The guy that came to your rescue.

The three boys didn't move an inch until he came close. He glanced at your eyes first, as if he wanted to confirm you were okay and untouched. And then, he turned at them, looking at the picture at their phones.

"Oh, that picture again? I'm sick and tired of it, haven't you had enough?"

Did Yoongi also believe it was you?

"Let me tell you something" he said, his voice low and absolute "Fuck off. Yeah, it's a very nice picture to look at and have imaginations, but it's non of your business the story behind it, or whoever is in it. I bet you have sent a thousand times dick picks at girls before, and I can easily find them if I have to. If I want to embarrass you, I can do it in any way possible. So leave the girl alone. That's an amazing body and congratulations to whoever has it. But it's not Y/N. So respect that and don't bother with something that's irrelevant to her"

For a moment, they seemed reluctant. But no one messed with Yoongi. They walked away, leaving only you and your classmate alone. 

You were dumbfounded by his actions. You looked straight in his eyes.

"Thank you" you said and bowed slightly to show your respect.

"I deserve no bow. But you're welcome. It must be troublesome to be accused like that"

"Do you believe it though? That it's me in the picture?"

He laughed slightly and punched you softly at the arm, as if you were familiar with each other. He instantly made you feel more relaxed around him.

"Of course it's not you. You don't have such a sexy body"

You opened your eyes widely at him comment and he laughed. Annoyed by his words, you walked away but he kept following you for a while.

"You know, now that I helped you, can I ask for a favor? You know that team project we have? I need a person to do it with and I have no friends in class so..."

"Well" you answered "If you were nicer you'd probably have many friends"

"I am who I am. The right people will like me that way"

You stopped walking as you heard that. You turned to look at him and sighed.

"That's childish" you said

"What?" he was confused

"Not being willing to change your toxic traits, causing distress to the people around you just because you don't wanna bother changing anything in yourself, is childish. Saying you are who you are and you won't change anything, is childish. We have to constantly change, for the better, for ourselves and the others"

He was dumbfounded. You kelp walking, and he followed you again.

"Whoa, you're pretty amazing. I'm definitely doing my team project with you"


"Yoongi..." was all you said as you saw your friend's body at the admin room, lying on the cold ground in a pool of blood, flowing from his abdomen.

Jimin screamed for everyone to come. As soon as they arrived, Taehyung covered your eyes so you'd not watch. You cried in his arms, unable to believe it.

"This can't be true... what happened? Who did this?" Jungkook said with wide open eyes, tears about to flow from his eyes.

"We were all together. How did this happen?" Namjoon added

Lights off. A second later, they were on again, but you were in another room. The 7 of you were standing around a table, each of you having a screen with your names on it. Yoongi's name had a red X on it.

Above the names, there were some words.

Who is the impostor?

voting time: 120 sec

"That impostor thing again" Hoseok said

The time started being reduced. 

"We have to vote... someone among us? As an impostor?" Jin said slowly in realization

"This means one of us killed Yoongi" Taehyung finally said, troubled.

Everyone looked at him as if he was crazy

"Are you insane? We were all together and do you seriously believe someone of us would be able to kill? Or to even kill our friend?" Jungkook snapped

"In the beginning you all saw the black screen. There is one impostor among us, while the others are crewmates. He pretends to be crewmate." Taehyung kept talking without losing his cool.

"Taehyung" Namjoon said, touching his forehead as if he was in pain "You know how much I respect you and your opinion, but that's pure madness. We know each other so well, and what each of us is capable of doing. There's no way what you said is true."

voting time: 0 sec

No one was ejected


A/N: lol I love Taemin no offense <3

Lots of chapters will be flashbacks, bear with them cause they're really important

Listen to Yoongi's Shadow, it's a masterpiece.

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