9. Strategy

775 58 12

Who is the impostor?

voting time: 120 sec

"What happened?" most of your friends asked at the meeting, since the last thing they could remember was themselves shouting at each other.

That made you furious. Unable to help each other in this situation, you didn't even have a hint on what had happened besides one fact; Taehyung was dead.

"Someone stabbed Taehyung. He was hugging me to protect me, but he was stabbed in the back. You were all shouting at each other, I have no idea who could have been..."

Not having Taehyung by your side felt extremely lonely.

"We can't keep behaving like this. We let Tae die. He was the most fast witted and now we have to find out the truth without him" Jimin said

"We can't vote anyone right now. But Y/N, you could have also killed him. If he was hugging you, it would be easy for you to backstab him" Namjoon stated

Your eyes were wide open.

"What?! I would never kill Ta..."

You stopped right there when you realized how stupid what you were about to say was. That's  what you all thought, that no one was able to kill one of his friends. You were suddenly a suspect and only you knew you were innocent. 

You bitterly laughed to yourself as this was a familiar feeling to you.

"Of course I can't persuade you in any way right now, it was dark. Keep an eye on me if you want to" was all you said before voting "skip"

"But what's the plan?" Jungkook asked, looking at all of you and he was right, just trying to survive wouldn't lead you anywhere.

"Keep an eye on everyone. The impostor can't be perfect. Try finishing your tasks" Namjoon said

Taking a glance at everyone you knew how scared they were. Your heart ached at the thought of the pain Taehyung had been into.

voting time: 0 sec

No one was ejected

When you went back into the "game", the lights were still off and needed to get fixed. You were all carefully stuck next to each other and finally fixed the lights, looking at each other relieved that everyone was alive. 

"Let's move in two teams. That way we can be more careful and more aware of who is where" Hoseok proposed and you all agreed.

For the time being, there was nothing better you could do.

"Let's protect Jin. He knows a few more things about what the impostor is capable of." Namjoon added

"Namjoon, Jungkook and I together. Hoseok, Y/N, Jimin and Jin together" Yoongi took the initiative and announced. 

No one disagreed and you split into those two teams.

Hoseok and Jin were walking in front of you, while you and Jimin where behind. You had a little distance between you and the others, so you had the chance to ask quietly.

"Um... It's okay if you don't wanna tell me, but what did you and Tae say last round? When you asked me to walk out of Medbay?"

He seemed kind of reluctant to answer this. But it was not  the right time to keep secrets from each other.

"I just thought he was treating me like... an enemy. You know how close I'm with him, but I felt like he suddenly wanted me away, or away from you. It was just weird and I didn't know why"

"And what did he say?"

"He denied it, and said sorry, he didn't wanna make me feel like that, he was just anxious with the whole situation. I don't know if I'm okay with that reason, but nevermind. I shouldn't even care about these things right now"

Jimin seemed to be the type of guy who would mind the small things, just like Taehyung. The truth was that out of the 7 boys, Jimin was the one you had shared the least moments with . He was Taehyung's best friend, and from what you could remember they were almost everywhere together. And indeed suddenly they didn't seem that close.

Since he was Taehyung's best friend, how come the two of you weren't closer?

"Tae has been always saying how much he hates lies. So I'll believe him. I guess we all don't feel like ourselves. Even Yoongi and Namjoon fought" you said and he nodded reluctantly.

You all went at shields, since you and Hoseok had tasks there. 

But, whatever tactics you were using, nothing was enough. Even if you had teams, even if you were all together, it didn't matter to the impostor.

Cause the lights were off again, and you could see nothing of what anyone was doing. And when you heard a body falling down, your eyes were wide open and you were so scared your whole existence was trembling.

"DON'T MOVE!! STAY WHERE YOU ARE! LET'S WAIT FOR THE OTHERS TO TURN ON THE LIGHTS!" Jimin yelled and you knew you wouldn't move anyway, cause you just couldn't.

And indeed the other team fixed the lights.

Jimin, Hoseok and you looked at each other, before facing at the floor where Jin's body was lying, bloody and dead.

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