8. Nightmare

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"If what... if what he says is true... then damn, that gets too far away from normal" Hoseok said as soon as Jin finished talking about what happened while he was impostor.

"Well, name one thing that seems normal in this situation" Namjoon said "If what he said is true, we have to consider that it's not his fault. And we just saw the same thing as before, the black screen that says whether we are crewmate or impostor, right?"

Everyone nodded. Jin hid his face in his hands. No one would approach him. At this point, no one could trust anyone enough.

"One of us is the impostor again? Unable to control themselves?" Jimin asked but no one answered.

"Whoever it is, he better speaks up before things get too compicated again" Jungkook said

"Didn't you hear what I said? I couldn't admit anything that had to do with me being impostor, not even give a hint. It's impossible, and whoever it is right now, he won't be able to do that too"

You pushed your forehead against the cold wall, trying to think of anything that could help you.

"The pain was real. We died for real. We have to go through this again?" you asked

"It's not just this pain, Y/N" Yoongi said "You were the last to die, so you, Jin and Taehyung don't know about this. When one of us was dying, he was waking up in a dark room with cameras so we would watch the rest of the game taking place. Which means we can't finish our tasks once we are dead. We saw everything you went through after we died. But yeah, even when we were dying, it was so painful. The knife literally pierced my body and I couldn't scream for help"

"I'm just trying to figure out what the hell we have to do right now. I mean... are we against supernatural powers? Is this just an illusion? Are we dreaming? And how do we get out of here?!" Namjoon asked, walking all the time, lost in his thoughts

"There is one impostor among us. We report dead bodies. We have emergency button. We vote who we think the impostor is. And we have tasks to complete. I think in one way or another, what we have to do is in front of our eyes. And for the impostor is also clear. Sabotage and kill everyone. Crewmates are a team, but the impostor is the best player, behaving like himself and unable to make a mistake" Taehyung said so serious

All eyes were on him. His certainty was scaring you. He had this certainty too when he said it was one of you who was killing. And he was right last time.

"And let's suppose we find the impostor. What happens then? Cause the impostor won previous round and now we're here again" Jungkook told Taehyung, as if he was mad at him for his honest thoughts

"I guess we have to win to find out" the boy replied

"No, I'm not going through this shit again. And I don't get how do we even discuss about it. I mean, are we seriously gonna kill each other again??" Hoseok said

"Man, I told you I couldn't control myself. My brain was making a strategy to achieve a kill without my will" Jin yelled "You can't know the feeling until you yourself become the impostor"

"No one is gonna die, we'll all be together and..." you started saying to convice yourself, but Jungkook yelled at you

"We were all together before and when lights were off Yoongi died!"

"STOP FIGHTING EACH OTHER" Namjoon said, hitting the table with his fist "THAT'S WHAT HELPS US THE LEAST RIGHT NOW" he sighed "The impostor has strategy, and we need that too. We need to act as a team"

"How the hell can we act as a team when we don't even know who to trust? You are leading us right now when at the same time you could be the impostor" Yoongi said

"Yoongi just said the harsh truth. Jin last round merged so well with the crewmates, and in the end you were all sure it was me because I happened to be at the wrong place the wrong time" Jungkook said, hurt from what happened before.

"So what do you want me to say? To act individually? Go, then. Go, spread around the place and have yourself killed, Yoongi!" Namjoon and harshly.

Namjoon and Yoongi were best friends. They were your classmates, and the first people you met before forming this whole group. Seeing them fighting each other like this was driving you crazy. You fell on your feet and cried your eyes out, unable to take any more of this madness.

But the lights were suddenly off.

Everyone was shouting so you weren't sure of what was happening. But a body came to your place and covered you, as if he wanted to protect you. From the scent you knew it was Taehyung.

"I'm here" he said, with the sweet voice he had, always caring for you more than himself.

But something pushed him a bit harder on you. Before you knew it, the body that was hugging you couldn't talk anymore.

Sticky liquid was wetting your clothes. Your heart was beating so fast in fear, you couldn't hear anything. Your friends' yells were only a loud noise and you couldn't recognize any of them.

You moved your hand in the darkness to touch Taehyung's cheek. The boy didn't respond.

You yelled his name between your cries.

The nightmare had began once again.

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