30. One

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When everyone else was asleep in the living room, you and Taehyung went to your bedroom where you were sleeping together every night. You weren't as drunk as the others, so you had every control of your words and actions. You got in and closed the door behind silently, not wanting to wake them up. You locked the door and Taehyung didn't bother to ask why.

He pulled out his shirt, feeling hot, and this was the first time he did it in front of you despite sleeping together for so many days. His abs were slightly showing, his arms strong and his skin was smooth except two scars at the back, two lines alongside, each of them put in one backbone. It seemed like the place an angel's wings would be.

He turned and looked at you. His slightly curled, black bangs were falling on the eyes that were currently piercing you. 

"We're going to the beach tomorrow" he said "You'd see me shirtless anyway"

"I didn't say I have a problem with that" you replied

"Then why are you looking at me from afar?"

"And what should I do?"

"Come here" his voice was absolute and raised his hand, waiting for you to cross the room and reach him.

You didn't move. Not because you didn't want to, but because of your title as a 'whore' that was always haunting your consciousness. And because you were really curious of what he'd do.

He walked and closed the distance between the two of you, pinning you on the door behind your back.

"Don't ever hesitate with me" he ordered "Come to me every time I call you, or every time you feel like it"

"Tae" you said in soft voice "Why did you agree with the road trip? I know about the others, but you? What about you? What has happened to you?"

Your faces were only some inches away. You could feel his breath and he could feel yours. His smell was so beautiful, you unconsciously took deeper breaths. His naked torso was right in front of you and you couldn't help but look sometimes. As if he read your mind, he took your hand and put it above his heart.

Your pulses increased immediately, but his skin felt so good under your palm. You wished he'd keep it there.

"This heart, Y/N, is more black than it seems. I have so much anger and hatred in me. I am even angry at you"


"Yes, you. Why did you become Taemin's girlfriend? Later, why did you become Jungkook's? Couldn't you see our potential?" he looked down "There were times I was feeling so many things for you I was like 'There's no way she's not feeling the same'. I childishly ignored you that night at the club, hurt and angry as I was with your treatment. But I saw you kissing with Jungkook, and I was..." he made an abstract movement with his other hand "The reason I'm coming to the road trip, you'll find out that day"

"Why not now?"

"I can't" he insisted as he put his other hand to your waist.

And just like that he moved away from the wall, pulling you with him, softly and with grace. He was dancing with you, having no music at all, and you'd follow his lead. His dream was to become a dancer, and he was really good at it.

"Tae, think about it more that twice. Don't come to the road trip" you said and he kept dancing as if he didn't hear you "You have a bright future"

"No future will be bright with what's about to happen" he whispered and you had no idea what he meant "Y/N, we agreed to do anything we want these four days left. Let me make my own choices, please"

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