29. Regrets

505 46 16

A/N: We're close to the end and I feel emotional and generous. So take that.
Your parents had left for five days, and told you that your friends could sleep at your home until they were back. The same night they left, Taehyung, Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok and Jimin came to your house for drinks.

Looking at all of them together reminded you of the first days you were going at the basketball field. All these faces, all these friends, during this time they had changed. All of them were now devastated in a ways that seemed irreparable at that time. 

"Look at all of you. Taehyung passed at performance school, Jin at theatrical, Hoseok at mathematics, Namjoon at business management, Jimin at law. Look at all of you successful people. Get the fuck outta here"

"I'd rather not to pass anywhere" Hoseok said "I didn't manage to convince my parents I can play tennis professionally. Losing match after match, I wanted it so much, and now I'm forced to attend that fucking school. I don't want to. But at the same time, I wasn't good enough I guess"

"Tell me about parents" Namjoon said, while putting ice on his bruises "At least they forced you to go to a school. They forced me to sleep out of the house. Or the balcony. I'm so jealous of your parents, Y/N"

You smiled at him, realizing you were indeed really lucky to have them. Taehyung, who was sitting next to you, passed you your glass of wine. Your fingers touched once again, like that time at Yoongi's club, and you shared a look before turning to face the others.

"By the way" Namjoon said "I talked with Jungkook"

It was pretty silent so he decided to go on.

"I called him and we met. I'm sorry Y/N, he believes you lied to him. He went to find Taemin, and Taemin told him the picture was indeed yours and that you sent it to him, and that you knew about the video. He believed him for some reason. He wants nothing to do with you."

You knew everyone was waiting for you to answer something. The alcohol was helping you not to think too much about it and look as relaxed as possible.

"I kind of expected that from him. Let him be. We're over anyways"

Taehyung was looking at you carefully, like he wanted to know whether you were telling the truth or not.

"Things you regret. Jimin, start" Hoseok said out of the blue

Jimin was taken aback and thought about it

"Not accepting my father for being bisexual when I had the chance"

"That was deep. As for me, not being a better tennis player, more dedicating, without pulling myself back with things like alcohol. Jin?"

"Telling her to meet me. No, maybe even falling for her. Why would she like someone 6 years younger than her anyway?" he looked down at his drink "I first met her when she became my private teacher. Maybe I even regret that. Yoongi"

"Not loving my mother more. The relationship we have today, after father died, I think... it's my fault, yeah, I caused her too many problems, which only caused more problems. Namjoon"

"Not passing to medical school. My problems would be over if I did so"

"Don't think so. You didn't want it. You didn't like it, and it would end up hurting you more. Like my school will do to me" Hoseok answered him

"But having my parents to change the way they treat me, Hoseok, that would actually bring more happiness than being in the school I want. Y/N"

"Being with Taemin. I think it's pretty obvious. Tae?"

Taehyung took a sip before talking

"Not claiming Y/N before Jungkook did"

Everyone was taken aback by his sudden confession. You remembered the day you broke up with Jungkook right outside your house, when Jungkook said he knew Taehyung liked you. You remembered that night out of your house, before going at the club, how Taehyung had hugged you to keep you warm, how he was looking at you whenever Jungkook was around you, how he was here every time you needed him, even after asking him to sleep here to keep you company during the night. How he was the person who could always calm you down, how he saved you from that guy at the club, how he was the first person that came to your mind, how he was always forgiving your mistreatment towards him, how he punched Jungkook for the words he said. His promises to keep you safe, to make everyone pay if they hurt you. The boy you first met when you went at the basketball field alone, smiling at you so sweetly. 

That Taehyung, who was casually drinking his drink next to you. During these months, he seemed to have matured so much.

"I tried, but when you stepped back that night and looked at me like that" he explained to you "I hesitated. I thought you didn't like me at all, I thought you didn't want me close. And the same night, I lost every other chance, cause Jungkook kissed you. So here I am, regretting that"

You felt your heart beating so fast. You remembered how even until that night, you didn't decide until the last moment that you wanted something to happen with Jungkook. And for a very big part of the night, what you had in mind was how to say sorry to Taehyung, and how much you hated he was avoiding your glances.

At that point you asked yourself; if it was Taehyung and not Jungkook who kissed you, would you have also accepted it? The answer was yes. You realized it's been so long you were attracted to both of them. Was Taehyung the reason you kept postponing the development of your relationship with Jungkook during the days no matter how much he was trying?

Yes, you said to your inner self.

Would things be better if Taehyung had become your boyfriend and not Jungkook?


"Tell me, spit it, who's the cursed one?" Yoongi asked, probably wanting to save you from the awkward position.

"Cursed?" Jimin asked

"Yeah. How is it possible every single one of us to have such a misfortune? I mean, it's really not possible. Someone is cursed. Tell me who is it, we need to cut ties over here" he joked and you could tell he was already drunk

"Probably me" Jin said, needing the drink like the air he breathes "5 years ago that I met her. Beat that"

"I was playing tennis since I was 9. So 9 years. Beat that" Hoseok said

"My dad died at 8. 10 years. Beat that" Yoongi added

"Is this a game we have to take part?" Taehyung asked but got no answer

"But to be honest, she's really lucky" Jin said and got the attention on him "She's dead. She's somewhere better, right?"

"Do you really think being dead is better than alive" Namjoon asked

"At this point, yeah, I think so"

That moment you noticed how Namjoon and Yoongi looked at each other. They nodded and Namjoon was the one who took over to explain.

"To tell you the truth, Yoongi and I had an idea. It's about a road trip"

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