15. First murder

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You, Jimin and Hoseok were in admin. To your surprise, Taehyung hadn't followed you. The three of you were trying to do card swipe.

"He has a hard time leaving you" Jimin told you and smiled.

It was a bitter smile.

"Of course he does, she was his crush for so long. And now they are together" Hoseok said as he was watching Jimin failing his task.

Memories came to your head, of Taehyung playing at the basketball field, doing his best to amaze you. But now, those things didn't actually make you feel anything.

For this round,  he was just another player you had to kill.

As soon as Jimin completed his task, he left the room without saying anything. You could tell he didn't wanna hear more of you and Taehyung,  but it was funny considering it was him who started talking about it.

"Don't look, it's gonna be embarrassing" Hoseok said as he got prepared to swipe the card, but he did it immediately "Wow! I guess I'm a kind of genius"

You smiled. He was trying to joke in a situation like this, to lighten up the mood.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" He asked

"It's okay, it was my idea to split. Go do your tasks" You told him and he nodded

He looked at his paper in the pocket

"I'm gonna fix wires at cafeteria then, take care" he told you and left the room.

You couldn't kill him, Jimin left the two of you here.

You checked the map. There was indeed a person at cafeteria. Maybe you could...

As soon as you left admin, you noticed the cameras were on. Someone was watching you from security, so you headed down towards storage instead of up.

Halfway you met Namjoon who was walking up, towards cafeteria.

"Saw anything weird?" He stopped to ask you.

"Nope" You answered and he nodded as he continued his way, after staring at you for a moment or two, probably to understand whether you were lying or not.

After he left, you knew this was the perfect chance.

You sabotaged lights and moved quickly to the cafeteria. Namjoon was running away, but Hoseok was frozen in fear where the wires were.

You approached him quickly.

You pulled a knife from the pocket which only you could find. You stabbed your friend, feeling every inch of the knife being pierced in his flesh. He didn't scream and only cried silently as he fell down.

Time was everything in this game. You ran to storage again and lied down quickly, burying your head in your thighs, folding your body on the floor.

The lights were fixed. You were found by Taehyung and Jin, trembling in fear.

When your teary eyes met Taehyung's, you wanted to scream the truth. Tell him you'd killed. Tell him to kill you. Grab him by the neck and tell him you were a fucking killer.

"Y/N! It's okay, we're here, you're alive" Jin said to calm you down and Taehyung embraced you softly.

You were feeling like two people were living in you. The impostor and the real you. Every feeling was suppressed by the opposing feeling, and the impostor was winning. Jin was right when he said he couldn't express any of his real feelings, but the impostor was allowing this if it seemed non suspicious.

To everyone's eyes, you were a poor crewmate who was crying in the dark because she thought she would die.

The body was found by Yoongi and the meeting had began.

Who is the impostor?
Voting time: 120 sec

"Oh no..." Jungkook said when he saw Hoseok wasn't there

"Where was it?" Jin asked

"Cafeteria, at the wires" Yoongi, who found the body said.

Your eyes immediately met Namjoon's.

"I know what you're thinking" he told you "but it wasn't me"

"I saw you heading towards cafeteria. Hoseok had also gone there after the card swipe" You said but you tried to seem like you were thinking about it.

Instead of blaming him, you could take him by your side

"I was at the cameras. Y/N says the truth. I saw Hoseok leaving admin and heading up, then Y/N leaving admin and met Namjoon on her way to storage. Namjoon went up and she headed to storage, where I found her later with Tae" Jin said

"Look, as soon as I got in cafeteria the lights were off, so ran from the upper side towards lights" Namjoon said

"You weren't there when we fixed them" Jungkook said

"You fixed them before I reached the electrical" he tried to explain

"I don't think we should vote" Taehyung said "but keep in mind Namjoon is our suspect right now. I was with Jin most of the time so I don't think it was him, can't swear though. But before him I was with Yoongi"

"Yeah. We were at cafeteria in the beginning and he went left side and I went right side after that. Weapons and then navigation. Didn't finish my task there yet"

"Right side? Was anyone else there?" Jungkook asked

"No. And I didn't head towards lights" Yoongi said

Silence. Yoongi didn't seem to have a good alibi too.

The voting time was over, and you got away without suspicion for your first murder.

Voting time: 0 sec
No one was ejected

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