21. Hug

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You stuck your feet together to protect yourself from the cold as much as possible. You looked around in anticipation to see Jungkook's car, since he'd promised he'd pass by, but the cold night wouldn't let you calm down, and your short skirt didn't help much either.

"Y/N!" You heard from afar and saw a charming boy coming to you with quick steps, having a square-like smile on his face.

"Taehyung" You said his name since you didn't expect him there

After Jungkook would pick you up with his car, Jin would be the next to take and lastly Taehyung. But the boy was suddenly here, under your house, waiting with you. He was wearing a white shirt with a brown coat on top of it, his nose was red from the cold and tired of running, but he was still smiling like an idiot.

"What are you doing here? We would come by your house"

"Oh you know... I don't really trust Jungkook, he would probably act like he forgot to pick me up or something. Also had a fight at home with my sister and I really wanted to leave. Also, got bored and started walking and walking, well, my feet got me here. Why? You're not happy to see me?"

His flirty attitude got you off guard. He was really good at breaking the ice between you and you enjoyed that thing about him a lot. You laughed as he approached you, waiting for the obvious answer.

"Of course I'm happy. It's really sad to wait alone in the night anyway"

Many times after hanging out at the field, you'd go back home at groups or as one group, so almost everyone knew where almost everyone was living at, so it didn't surprise you Taehyung knew where your house was.

Taehyung stared at your feet, which made you kind of uncomfortable, until he approached you and at he same time, he moved his coat down from the shoulders, exposing them in the cold, so that the coat would almost touch the ground. After that he hugged you and closed his arms around you  so that his coat would protect your back and feet. For some seconds you were too dumbfounded by his action to talk, but you admitted to yourself that you enjoyed the warmth his body was offering you. Your head was at the height of his chest and you were trying not to get too carried away and bury yourself in there.

You weren't really hugging your friends. Maybe it happed with Yoongi or Namjoon sometimes, or used to happen with Lisa, but it never felt like this, and never this long.

"Nice skirt" he said and paused "Are you warm?" he asked innocently.

Was this weird feeling in your heart perceived only by you?

"Thanks... and yes. Warm"

"I can hear your heart beating. About to have a heart attack?" He joked and his laughter melted you "Do I make you uncomfortable?"

"It's not that... or maybe it is... it's just that we never really hug each other... you know, with the guys"

"True enough. But do you like it?"

You gulped. What was he trying to do?

"It's nice"

He smiled and caressed your back with his hands, looking into your eyes. There was a spark in there, he was examining you like you were the most precious creature ever.

"Then let's hug more from now. I've always thought you look like... a person that needs to get hugged more"

For some reason, you felt like his last words were attacking you, in a bad way. He knew about your rumors, so by saying you needed hugs, was that pity? Was it a way for you to say more about yourself, like he once said he wanted to get to know you more? Or was your suffering so visible and he was able to see it? Whatever it was, even if he only had pure intentions, it made you feel in an unpleasant way, like someone had found out a secret of yours you didn't want anyone to know. 

You took a little step behind, not wanting to scare him but at the same time wanting to run away. From his expression you figured you'd probably looked at him in a cold way and he was pretty confused, but at that moment an arm wrapped your shoulders from behind and another person appeared next to you.

"Didn't expect you here Taehyung, I would pick you up from your house" you heard Jungkook's voice, the owner of that arm around you.

He turned at you and smiled.

"Are you okay?" he asked you and you nodded.

You felt relieved for him arriving at that time, and you realized how focused you were at your moment with Taehyung that you didn't see he'd arrived with his car.

"Don't make it sound like I did something to her" Taehyung told him and looked at you apologetically and walked to the car alone, sitting at the back seats. 

Once again, you felt bad about the way you treated him because he only wanted to help or get closer to you. But you couldn't help yourself and every time he did that, your whole existence was on alert that he was getting too close to your life, and you pushed him away. You were enjoying his company so much, but you wished he'd keep his place on the boundaries you'd set. You remembered how from the beginning what you loved about him so much was that he wasn't asking anything personal. In the end, you knew you were thinking too much about it but it was already too late.

"Sorry I was late" Jungkook told you as he removed his arm from your shoulders "I shouldn't have left a lady wait for me in the cold night"

He was dressed in black clothes which made him extremely addictive-looking. You smiled at him and said it was okay. He lead you to the car and opened the door from the seat next to his, and you sat. As Jungkook was walking to the the driver's seat, you turned your head and glanced at Taehyung, but to your disappointment, he was looking somewhere away, outside the window.

On the way only you and Jungkook were actually talking, and Taehyung would only comment on your words sometimes. After picking up Jin, the two boys mostly talked with each other.

After arriving at the club, you met Jimin and Hoseok who were waiting for you at the door to enter together. You paid the entrance (more than you expected) and entered the crowded place.

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