23. First Person In Mind

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You left Jungkook only when you really needed to go to the restroom. You weren't sure what you wanted more; puke or pee.

The restroom was upstairs. You managed to get there and opened the first door which was the room with the sinks, and you were about to open the door of the female bathroom when you felt a hand grabbing yours and turning you around. You faced the guy you had danced before when you were trying to make Jungkook jealous.

"Very rude of you to ran away with another man" he said, trying to act disappointed "Can I come in too? To finish the job we left unfinished..." he said and approached you so much he stuck you on the wall behind.

You tried to push him but you were so dizzy you couldn't even control your strength. You were too week and got scared and shouted the name of the first person that came to your mind.


But his hand closed your mouth and you thought that even if you were sober you wouldn't be strong enough to push him. He leaned to your ear and his disgusting voice pronounced the words that brought you back to reality.

"You're begging inside of you for us to believe that it's not your picture, and the way you moved with me tonight really got me curious. I would really love to see that body by myself and decide whether to believe you or not..."

The picture.

He knew about the fucking picture.

He kissed your neck and you tried to scream but you couldn't. Your tears were making your vision blur. You didn't know this guy, you were sure he wasn't from your school.

How far could this rumor have possibly gotten?

"It's pretty annoying having all these men around you all the time, especially that freak Yoongi, but look at you now, in my hands, alone..."

His hand was about to slip under your skirt when a shadow entered the room and grabbed the boy from behind and pulled him away from you. You fell to the ground and did your best to manage to see clearly what was happening.

Taehyung had grabbed the guy and punched him hard in the face. The guy tried to attack back but your friend was too fast and placed his one hand underneath the other's jaw, turning it to the sky, and the other to his abdomen, punching again. The guy fell to the ground in pain and as soon as he was able to walk, he walked to the exit as fast as he could.

"Be afraid of me more than Yoongi" Taehyung told him and the boy was too scared to answer, so he just nodded like a good boy getting scolded by his parents.

Taehyung kneeled in front of you and helped you standing up. Before you were able to thank him or anything, you ran into the bathroom and puked. It could be because of the wine, it could be because of this guy kissing your neck, you'd never get to know. During the whole process, Taehyung was holding your hair up and helped you clean yourself.

"Thank you" you told him and looked at him

This time, he wasn't avoiding your gaze, but he didn't seem friendly either.

"Next time, before making your boyfriend jealous, use this brain to think" he said and pointed at your head

"Don't scold me..." you said, and you noticed he pronounced the word 'boyfriend' almost as if he hated it.

You didn't correct him or anything, because you really didn't know what you and Jungkook were. And you couldn't even bother with it right now.

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