2. Tasks

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"Uh... guys? I found something in my pocket that i'm sure it's not mine. Can you check yours too?" Hoseok said as you were walking. You glanced at him and saw him pulling out of his jeans pocket a piece of paper.

To your surprise, you had that paper too. It was small and a list of things was written in there.

Finish tasks to win

Admin: Swipe card

Weapons: Clear Asteroids

O2: Clean O2 filter

Electrical: Fix wiring

MedBay: Submit Scan

"Swipe card? Swipe what card? What is it talking about?" Yoongi asked as he was reading his own paper.

"They are called Tasks, so... we have to do these things? But it says to win... to win what?" Jimin said.

"I'm really freaking out..." Jin's voice seemed really panicked and unstable.

"Calm down guys. We'll figure everything out. So we do these tasks... Could the first word of each task be a room? We walked in a medical one before, is it MedBay? And an electrical one" Namjoon said, as he was peeking at everyone's paper to understand more things.

"So if i do these can i get out of here?" Yoongi murmured and walked away. All of you followed him to a room that was next to the cafeteria you were in the begining. 

There was a table in there, and a button. Jungkook pushed the button and the table was now showing a map of the whole place, and little drawings of faces, representing how many people were at each room, and also the names of the rooms. Now, you could see 8 faces in admin, the room you were in. All the faces were the same though, and you couldn't know which face represented who.

"We're in admin. Where do i swipe the fucking card?" Yoongi insisted and walked around, until he found it. A card, and a machine he had to swipe it at.

He took it in his hands, while all of you were looking at him.

"Be careful..." Jin said, who was the most scared one.

Yoongi swiped that card, but a notification popped up at the screen of the machine;


Yoongi tried again, faster this time.






"FUCK YOU" Yoongi yelled at the machine and punched it, without breaking it. "This thing is broken, what do you mean bad read? Just accept the fucking card"

Yoongi always had bad temper. And with this unknown situation you were suddenly involved with, it couldn't possibly get better.

Right then something happened.

The lights turned off. You couldn't see anything, except red letters on the ceiling saying "FIX LIGHTS"

"What the hell..." You heard Jin's voice murmuring confused and scared

"Who did this?"

"The one that put us in this place maybe? How do we fix the lights?"

"It's safe to think that the problem is probably at electrical. If not, I've got no idea how much more confusing this whole thing can be" Jungkook said

"Stay close to each other, let's head to electrical" Namjoon said.

It was so conforting to have Namjoon. He managed to stay calm and make rational decisions when everyone was panicked, and that made you trust him a lot. You were always following him like he was your leader.

You could only see the red lights at the ceiling, and that helped you find your way to electrical. You had people around you but you couldn't see who they were.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here" Taehyung said to you ear.

He was silent the whole time, he didn't seem to worry too much about this place. Even when you first arrived here, he was more worried about Jimin holding your hand, rather than the whole unknown situation.

When you arrived at electrical, you heard someone hitting switches and soon the lights were back to normal. Everyone sighed relieved, and you looked at each other to make sure everything was fine.

"Wait... where's Yoongi?" Jungkook asked

You couldn't possibly explain the looks everyone shared with each other. You locked eyes with Jimin and the both of you ran away from the others, heading to admin.

When you arrived there, one thing you knew for sure.

This was definatelly not a game.

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