24. Sleep, love

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You stood outside Jungkook's house, having your heart beating fast in your chest

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You stood outside Jungkook's house, having your heart beating fast in your chest. You tried to hide your smile and rang the bell. The boy opened the door and you were more than excited.

You were trying to avoid romance in your life, but this time you were sure you were safe around him, safe and sure he'd make your life better. You entered the house for the first time without Yoongi's or Namjoon's company.

It was Christmas holidays so you could finally relax a bit. It was the first time you saw Jungkook after everything that happened with Hoseok and the hospital and you could finally let your mind and feelings be at peace for a while. You had also delivered the project you had with your team, and also Suho's one. Looking at Jungkook's figure and feeling your heart like this, you told yourself that you deserved allowing yourself to feel that kind of happiness.

He led you to the living room, in front of the TV which was playing a music channel. You sat there and he wanted to offer you to drink, but after that party a few nights ago, your organs were against it, so water was enough. He put some wine for himself though.

"I need courage" he said laughing, as he was filling his glass

"For what?" you asked

He started drinking and came closer to you. Even with simpler clothes, he was breathtaking, and you couldn't actually believe such a boy was interested in you. He sat next to you, his one hand  leaning on the back of the couch, behind your back.

"I have never confessed" he said and his eyes were examining your face carefully, as if  you were the most beautiful human alive "I don't wanna mess up my first time"

You eyes travelled from his black hair to his earrings, his lips, collarbones, chest, hands, jaw, eyes, lips.

Even though you had relationships in the past, you realized you'd never wanted to be devoured by someone so much in your life. Lust filled your whole body and you had to find inner strength to stop yourself from actually attacking this boy to kiss him. Your state of body and mind were at the point you'd let him do anything he wanted to you.

"You don't have to confess" you told him "Just show it"

He didn't even wait for it. The hand he had behind you brought you to his embrace, and at the same time he let the glass to the table and leaned his whole body to kiss you. You immediately put your hand behind his neck and pulled him more, wanting to become one with his body.

The kiss was from the beginning passionate. You opened your mouth and let his tongue get inside of you, connect with yours. His other hand was now on your waist, slowly feeling your body and you did the same, moving your hands from his back to his chest, his muscles and neck. He was feeling amazing and you wanted more of him.

But suddenly a bunch of voices crossed your mind, all of them saying one word; whore.

When you realized Jungkook was also in the mood to take this further, you stopped him and smiled.

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