28. The way

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It had been so many rounds.

Many, many, rounds. Lots of them, and the impostor was always winning. And every time, it was easier and easier for him, since emotionally you were so exhausted you couldn't even think straight.

What was the point of thinking anyways? Accepting what was happening meant you were accepting the supernatural. Accepting this was not a dream, meant you were accepting there was no logic to justify what was happening or to find a logical way to get out of here.

You thought you were trapped in there for eternity. Even if the impostor lost, you would probably wake up at the beginning of the game again and again.

You weren't sleepy, you didn't need food or water or to use the toilet. It was like you weren't alive, but you weren't dead either. Because the pain was real, the pain of getting killed by the impostor.

It was driving you insane. At some point, Hoseok started screaming and punching the walls, begging for someone to get you out of there.

Who brought you there, and how long did he plan on keeping you trapped?

Namjoon thought of a possible scenario, which was that you were being held by scientists and had forced you to wear glasses with virtual reality and sensors to feel like you were living in this world. Even if this was true, there was once again no way for you to leave by your will.

"Namjoon might be right, they're playing with our minds" Jimin told you as the two of you were walking around, doing your tasks "Or maybe a social experiment? To see how we betray each other and such? And the impostor is controlled in such a way to be unbeatable" he said and kept thinking of the possibilities

"I don't know. All we know is that it can't possibly be real; we're dying and get revived the next round"

"I think we're just losing our minds over here" he said and sighed "So do we have any leads this round? Tae is the only dead one so far"

"Jimin" you said, kind of reluctant "there's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while now. We've playing around... 30 games? Or more, I'm not sure... Have you noticed that Taehyung..."

"Has never been the Impostor. Kind of scary. I get so many times the feeling there's something wrong with him. I think the others are feeling it too, since the first round."

You couldn't understand how Jimin felt the person closest to you, when in reality, during the whole time you knew each other, he was the person you remembered and had spoken to the least. But around him you had that feeling of security, safety, trust, even romantic feelings no matter how much you wanted to hide it. Which meant, all the feelings that once belonged to Taehyung.

The two of you sat on the reactor's ground, not willing to take part in this madness. Your shoulders were touching and it was feeling so good.

What was happening to you? First Jungkook, then Taehyung, and now, out of nowhere you were attracted to Jimin so much? The years you spent being called a whore made you believe you really were one. No, Taehyung was the best guy in the world, you lived so much together, he was by your side for so long, despite loving him back or not. Why was your heart doing this to you?

"Isn't it weird?" Jimin said and laughed

He put his hand to the floor and the tip of his fingers touched yours.

"Why haven't we talked more in the past?" he asked and you shrugged

"Dunno. Didn't happen I guess. No offense, I barely remember things about you"

"Funny" he said "Maybe we weren't given the chance, unlike here. I guess it's never too late"

Some moments of silence. Lights turned off and on again, but you didn't move from there. You held hands during this time, to make sure no one would leave in the dark. But when they were on again, you couldn't leave each other.

You stared in his eyes and he did the same. Your head was hurt so much from the confusion.

"I don't get it" he said "I never had these kind of feelings towards you" Jimin said

"What feelings?" you asked even though you knew.

Just by looking at him, you knew, but you chose to provoke him.

Jimin pulled you towards him and leaned in at the same time. His mouth came closer to yours, until your lips touched. You kissed each other so passionately, and the whole time you couldn't help but feel sure that you had kissed him before. It was so fucking familiar, but there was no such a memory. You barely knew things about him...

Taehyung was dead. Taehyung was at the camera room. Taehyung was watching you.

You broke the kiss immediately and pushed Jimin away even though you wanted to keep kissing him so much.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me" you said and ran out of the reactor, not having in mind where to go.

Away from Jimin and the temptation would be enough. But even having him out of sight, he was still in your thoughts, the first name to came to your mind...

Wasn't Taehyung's name the name you once shouted when you were in danger? What changed?

As you were walking alone in your thoughts, you didn't notice Yoongi coming and killing you from behind.


Opening your eyes you found yourself on the couch of the camera room. Getting up  you realized it was only you and Taehyung in that room. Taehyung had his back turned to you. He was standing, his eyes staring at the cameras, ignoring your existence. You knew he saw you and Jimin.  He was angry, he was furious, but he was always that kind of person who wouldn't show it until he was about to punch you or something.

"Tae?" you asked apologetically, but what he said was extremely unexpected  

"Next round will be the last" he said "Cause I found a way to get us out of here"

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