11. Voted out

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Who is the Impostor?

voting time: 120 sec

"How did this happen? Where were you?" Namjoon asked as soon as he saw Jin's name appearing with an X on the screen.

"He was with Jimin, Hoseok and Y/N. It must be one of them" Yoongi said, sure of himself.

"We were at navigation... but I swear it's not me... but I also have no idea who it is. Jimin was near me so I think I would have realized it if he'd moved even if it was dark..." Hoseok said

"I hope you know right now we can't trust anything you say" Jungkook said

It was a nightmare. The weight of the killer was suddenly moving towards you, and you felt your palms sweating. You were trying to think so hard.

"If Hoseok is the impostor, he's probably trying to make Jimin trust him by telling he's innocent. If he's crewmate, then Jimin is also probably innocent. So he have to do something with Hoseok and Y/N." Namjoon concluded.

"I'm not saying it's Y/N... I'm just saying it's not me and I think it's not Jimin... but I can't be sure... I can;t remember where Jin was standing..." Hoseok was really confused

"Should we vote or not?" Jungkook asked and looked at Namjoon and Yoongi, since he was sure they were innocent

"Sabbotages are very dangerous. By turning off the light we literally can't see anything. I don't know if we should risk it or keep going without any losses"

"We know it's one of them, right? And probably not Jimin" Jungkook asked and they nodded

"So if we kick everyone out... we'll win" Yoongi said and Namjoon didn't seem sure about it

"We have no time. And I don't know if we should..."

"Guys, that's too much, you can't randomly kick us out!" You yelled and you realised you shouldn't have, cause that just drew attention at you.

"If Hoseok is innocent, then Y/N is more likely to be the impostor..." Jungkook said

Your eyes met his. You remembered how you voted him out the last round. 

You knew it was bound to happen to you too.

"It's not me, we should stay more rounds together to clear myself, please..."

But the voting time was over. At the screen, you saw you were voted by Jungkook, Yoongi and Hoseok. Namjoon and Jimin had skipped.

You heard Hoseok crying.

"I'm sorry Y/N... But I know I'm innocent so I had no other choice..." 

You looked at Jimin. His eyes wide open and teary. 

As soon as the door opened beneath you feet, he tried to catch your hand but you got lost into darkness. Your name was heard so loud by his lips.

Right before you dissapear, you took a glance behind Jimin's back.

Right there, really quick so that no one would see it, Jungkook winked at you.


Y/N was not the Impostor

1 Impostor remains


When you regained consciousness you realised you were in someone's embrace. Opening your eyes, you were more than relieved to see it was Taehyung who was holding you so protectively in his hands.

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