12. Hi

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Looking behind you, you saw Yoongi running to your place. It was feeling so weird seeing him saying your name so loud and cominf by your side, not caring whether people were looking at him or not.

He handed you his phone.

"Type your number. I'll text you after lunch where and when we're gonna meet each other for the project" he said.

You were reluctant in the begining

"You could text me at facebook" you said

"I don't use facebook. Type"

You sighed and gave him your number. Being aware of your surroundings all the time, it was pretty easy to understand everyone was looking at the two of you surprised.

He got his phone back and smiled at you.

"See ya" he said and walked away

As he was heading to class, walking in front of you, a boy stopped him. He talked loud enough for you to hear.

"Yoongi, did you really get her phone? She gave it that easily?" the boy asked

"Why? Jealous?" Yoongi answered and walked away from the boy.

He really couldn't stop surprising you.

As he said, during lunch you received a message with an address and the next day as date. As you were leaving school, you noticed how Rose packed her things quickly and left the class as soon as possible, not wanting you to catch up.

Lisa turned to your place "Don't mind her"

How could you not?

"By the way, for the team project at art class, Rose, Jisoo and I are gonna be a team. I hope you don't mind. "

You sighed. It was a relief you didn't intend to be in their team in first place. But it still hurt to see them choose a girl they weren't that close with instead of you. 

"I actually preferred you to Jisoo, but you know, Rose is kinda sensitive these days so I didn't really have a choice..." she tried to explain to you and you wondered why

"It's okay, I've found a team already"

"Really? Is it Yoongi? Everyone has seen the two of you talking" she pronounced Yoongi's name like something dirty

"Yeah, he helped me with something lately so I kinda owe him" you said

"Oh. That's kinda disappointing of you. Yoongi? I get you have a hard time with people around you, but you should respect yourself more"

You tried to hide once again how offended you were.

"And what's wrong with him?"

"There are rumors about him about almost ending up at jail for one reason or another" was all she said you slightly laughed

"I know more than I'd like to about rumors. He's nice to me, I'll be nice to him, he helped me, I'll help him and see for myself what kind of person he is"

She sighed, annoyed by your words.

"You're too dump sometimes. Don't whine later if he does something bad to you like Taemin did" was all she said and left, running to catch up with Rose.

You were left alone boiling in anger, or so you thought. A person stood next to you and coughed nervously. You looked at his place and you realised you must had looked terribly scary because he was startled.

"Woah, calm down, it's just you are sitting here and I need to lock the class, so please...uhm... leave?"

As the class president, he had to lock the class every day after school. You nodded and were about to leave, when you heard him talking to you.

"I don't wanna be that annoying guy, but you know, I can see the girls you were always hanging out with are not treating you well, espacially during these hard days of yours. I never really liked them, honestly... Just don't let it ruin your mood, it's not worth it. Oh and also, Yoongi is a great guy and you'll see it for yourself. And sorry for listening to what you were saying with your friend"

You immediatelly felt better. He was nervously putting the messed up chairs in their place before locking the door, trying to avoid your gaze, as if you'd kill him.

"Thank you for your advice. See ya for the project" you said and left school.

During your way home, you were passing by the field you were hanging out. You used to go after school for a while, after buying sweets from the shop behind it.

You were not surprised when you saw Taehyung, Hoseok, Jimin and Seokjin playing basketball again. You were really curious why they were so energetic.

You were about to walk away but the ball was thrown towards your place. But it didn't hit you because Taehyung was there in time to couch it. You locked eyes with this breathtaking human being and you gasped. You weren't used to getting so amazed by someone's looks. But the way he was smiling at you wouldn't let you look away.

"How is it getting rescued right before getting hit by a heavy ball?"he asked, proud of himself

"I don't know if it is considered a rescue, but it feels like a movie I guess. How lucky am I to experience it"

He laughed at your words and threw the ball at his friends, saying he'd be back in a while

"You're not lucky, I told them to throw the ball at you to rescue you. I was pretty cool, right?"

That was so ridiculously dump it made you laugh. 

"Also, passing by but not coming in or saying at least hi?" he complained and you shrugged

"Didn't know you want my hi"

"Who wouldn't want a hi? Now pay for your sins and come play with us"

You thought it was cute how Taehyung seemed to try to find even a stupid reason for you to play with them. You thought about it and you actually had some free time, so you entered the field with him. The boys greeted you and they didn't seem to have a problem with you playing with them.

Seokjin was pretty cool with that too and you wondered whether he had said anything about your rumors to the boys or not. Thinking about it you spaced out while looking at him and he noticed.

"What? Am I too good-looking for you?" he asked and you felt embarassed immediately.

"Don't mind him" Taehyung said and laughed "he's always like that. Now come, let's play"

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