34. The real memories

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"I feel like we're in group therapy or something. How long do we have to hold hands? Where are Taehyung and Jimin?" Yoongi asked impatiently.

"It must have been 30 minutes already. Did he kill him or something?" Hoseok wondered

"Don't say things like that, he said they would both come back-" you yelled at him but something stopped you.

It was like you had a stroke. Your head hurt for two seconds like hell, it almost brought you tears, and you threw yourself away from the circle, afraid of what was happening to you.

It was over so quickly and when you looked at the guys,  you knew the same thing had happened to them as well. Before asking what was that and why did it occur to all of you, a wave of memories replayed themselves to your head.




"Aren't you too old for a diary?" a voice asked and you realized the boy who was playing before was now standing in front of you with a smile.

You quickly hid the diary behind your back, even though he had already seen it.

They boy was extremely handsome. His dark eyes were locked in yours. You didn't answer his question.

"Wanna play with me? My friends are gonna be late, and I guess your friends won't come in a while too." he said, throwing the ball at you.

So he also remembered you from the other times you were coming with Lisa and Rose. You put the diary in your backpack and took the ball in your hands.

Right now, playing with a random stranger didn't seem like a bad idea at all. You needed to have fun.

"I'm not good at basketball" you told him and he shrugged

"It's okay. I can show you the basics" he said and offered you his hand to help you stand up.

You stood up on your own. The last thing you needed right now was to depend on someone even for the slightest thing.

"My name is Jimin by the way"




"Also, passing by but not coming in or saying at least hi?" he complained and you shrugged

"Didn't know you want my hi"

"Who wouldn't want a hi? Now pay for your sins and come play with us"

You thought it was cute how Jimin seemed to try to find even a stupid reason for you to play with them. 




You hadn't realized you'd reached the basketball field. Jimin, sweating from his game, was now looking at you in the eyes, so concerned. If you were calm, that concern would have actually melt your heart, but now you were just angry and depressed. You hated everyone and wanted to stay alone.

"Leave me alone" you told him and he wouldn't let go of your hand.

Hoseok was also there and he was looking at the two of you worried.

"What's wrong? You're crying" he said

"Leave me alone, I wanna go home, let me go" You begged

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