10. Field

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You wanted to stay alone. Well, you didn't have anyone to hang out with anyway.

There was this basketball field near your house that you loved going to. You used to lie at the corner of the field with Lisa and Rose, but now you didn't even want to think about them.

Lisa was making you feel like you were the only one to blame. Rose had abandoned you for the shake of her image. You laughed bitterly at the "friends" of yours.

You laid at the corner of the field alone. There was only a boy playing alone there, and he was looking at times at his phone, as if he was waiting for someone. You'd seen him a few times there playing, he was a regular.

You pulled out your diary. Yeah, you had a diary. From a point of your life and on, you decided you wanted to remember some certain events and feelings. You wished that in the future you'd realise how much you've grown while reading it, that you wouldn't let yourself forget if someone treated you badly, that you'd remember some good times.

But your feelings were a mess now, and as soon as you held the pen in your hand, you started writing without thinking much.

"I'm a mess. It's my fault I didn't realize what kind of person Taemin was. And Lisa might be right, I'm not doing anything to prove my innocence. I don't wanna talk about it with my parents, they're gonna be so sad and I'm afraid they won't believe me either. I'm angry, but I don't know at whom. Am I a coward? I don't know what's the best thing I can do in this situation.

They're saying things all the time, and they don't care whether I hear them or not. They're saying that they also have the picture. That I don't have a pretty face so it's fine it doesn't show in the picture, and despite that they'd love to sleep with me for a night. I even heard a boy trying to persuade his girlfriend to send him nudes, saying that even I did it. That Taemin is so lucky and cool that his girlfriend sent him such a picture. Some said that they didn't expect me to be so sexy and dirty.

I'm stuck in a situation I can't get myself out. I don't want my parents to know. I kind of hate myself right now. How can I escape?"

"Aren't you too old for a diary?" a voice asked and you realized the boy who was playing before was now standing in front of you with a smile.

You quickly hid the diary behind your back, even though he had already seen it.

They boy was extremely handsome. His dark eyes were locked it yours. You didn't answer to his question.

"Wanna play with me? My friends are gonna be late, and I guess your friends won't come in a while too." he said, throwing the ball at you.

So he also remembered you from other times you were coming with Lisa and Rose. You put the diary in your backpack and took the ball in your hands.

Right now, playing with a random stranger didn't seem like a bad idea at all. You needed to have fun.

"I'm not good at basketball" you told him and he shrugged

"It's okay. I can show you the basics" he said and offered you his hand to help you stand up.

You stood up on your own. The last thing you needed right now was to depend on someone even for the slightest thing.

"My name is Taehyung by the way"


You liked this Taehyung guy. He didn't ask anything about you, he just wanted to have fun, just like you. You didn't talk about the school you were going, what you wanted to do with your life, why you have a diary or why were your friends late. You just played basketball until you were both sweaty and tired.

His friends came an hour later. They were three boys, all surprised they'd seen you with their friend.

"Guys, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Jimin, Hoseok, Seokjin."

You knew Seokjin. He was from your school, and the truth is that he'd never bothered you. But he seemed to realise immediately who you were, since his eyes were surprised to see you there.

"Nice to meet you guys. I'm gonna leave now, it was nice we played" you told Taehyung

"Won't you wait for your friends?"

"They're not coming" you said before waving at them. But Taehyung asked one more thing.

"Will you come again here?"

"You know I'm coming a lot"

He smiled, and waved at you while you were taking your backpack and walked away, heading back home.




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