16. Friends

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It was that day that things started getting out of control.

Not that you ever had any control in this situation anyway.

While you were walking alone after school, heading home, a boy started walking with you. He was a classmate of yours, his name was Suho, and you actually didn't like him at all. He was one of the many students that was making your days at school unbearable.

"Hey, listen to me " he said but you kept walking

"Why should I? "

"Cause if you don't,  things are gonna get much worse for you"

You froze in fear. What could be worse in this situation?

"That team project... you know, I want a favour. Do it for me " he told you.

He wasn't asking. He was demanding it. You looked in his eyes and his confidence scared the hell out of you.

"I already have a team" You told him and he laughed

"And you can keep your team. What I'm asking you, is to do my team's project too. And it better be good. Or else... your parents could find out about your picture. It would be very unfortunate to find in outside their door one day.  What would they think about their poor daughter?"

As he was talking, you were trying to hold back your tears. You wanted to punch Suho in the face so bad, but your fear was greater than this. He had nothing to be afraid of, and you knew he had no problem making his words true.

You walked away as fast as you could. And both of you knew you'd actually do it.

"I'll be waiting!" He yelled cheerfully as he was watching you leave.

Running home, you didn't care about holding your tears anymore. You cried a lot, sometimes tripping from your blur vision. You hated everyone, you hated all the people that were making fun of you, that were trying to use the situation to their benefit, the friends that had abandoned you, Taeminand even yourself.

A hand grabbed yours and turned your body around.

You hadn't realized you'd reached the basketball field. Taehyung, sweating from his game, was now looking at you in the eyes, so concerned. If you were calm, that concern would have actually melt your heart, but now you were just angry and depressed. You hated everyone and wanted to stay alone.

"Leave me alone" you told him and he wouldn't let go of your hand.

Jimin and Hoseok were also there and were looking at the two of you worried.

"What's wrong? You're crying" he said

"Leave me alone, I wanna go home, let me go" You begged

"But you're not okay, you're crying, talk to me..."

You pushed him away with all your strength. He finally let your hand and you yelled at him before running away.

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