32. Road Trip

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The past three days ran so smoothly and great. You had made with your friends a schedule to live these days to their fullest, and you could say with confidence they were the happiest days of your lives. 

You and Taehyung were officially together. You wouldn't hold back kissing or holding hands in front of the others. You wanted to get as much of him as possible.

But that night came. The night of the road trip. Tomorrow morning your parents would come back home, that's why you decided the time to be tonight. 

You spent hours dressing yourself. You wanted to look good. 

You cleaned the house for your parents to find it ready. They would be too tired to clean after their arrival. You also cooked them a meal and washed the dishes. 

You still had time to wait for your friends. You spent those moments walking around your room, trying to find something you had to do something about. Until your eyes fell on your diary. You took it in your hands and glanced in some pages, deciding that it didn't need to exist anymore.

"If someone read it, they'd be too sad" you said to yourself and took a lighter and went to your balcony. 

Right there, in the middle of the night, you burned it and let its ashes fall to the empty road, now filled with the dead memories of your life.

The bell rang. They were here.

You took the handwritten note you had prepared and put it on your parents' bed. You smiled at it and walked out of the house, turning off the light and locking the doors.

You saw the van waiting for you at the road. Yoongi was driving it, and Hoseok opened the door for you to come in. Before stepping in, you looked one last time at the house you spent all your 18 years.

"Nice van" you told them 

"Thanks, it's stolen" Yoongi replied and you laughed.

Yoongi was driving and Namjoon was besides him. You, Hoseok, Jin and Jimin were behind. You closed the door behind and the boys started driving.

"Where's Taehyung?" you asked

"He asked us to pick him up last"

It was finally that time. The time of the road trip, and you'd finally find out what was Taehyung's reason he was coming along. After ten minutes, Yoongi reached at the destination he'd pick him up, and your boyfriend entered the van. He was dressed in black from head to toes, even wearing a black cup and gloves.

"Sorry I'm late" he smiled and sat next to you "Let's go"

Before you could ask why was he late, Namjoon spoke first.

"Change of plans, we'll have one more person. Jungkook's coming"

You were all dumbfounded. How did Jungkook know about this? Why was he coming? After all this time, why now?

"I told him about the road trip" Namjoon explained "But the reason he's coming... Oh my God. You all need to see this" he said intensively and  left his seat, coming to sit with the rest of you behind.

"Loud enough, I want to hear too" Yoongi added, also having no idea what had happened

Namjoon sat down and showed you his phone screen. It was a video of a person you unfortunately knew very well.

Lee Taemin.

"Play it, now" Hoseok demanded and Namjoon pressed 'play'

Taemin was in a dark place, having only a phone's light falling on him. He looked tired and hurt, beaten up and scared. Panicked. Seeing him like this made you feel slightly sad about him.

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