4. You believe me, right?

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A/N: Here's a map of the place, so you'll have a better understanding of the situation. The red lines show where the impostor can move through the vents.

 The red lines show where the impostor can move through the vents

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The seven of you woke up at the cafeteria again, hearts heavy and no evidence or information about anything. Taehyung's face was hard and everyone threw weird glances at him because of the words he said.

The truth is, no one wanted to believe him. Cause if really one of you was killing people, if one of you had actually killed Yoongi, that would make things even more confusing.

"What do we do now?"

"It depends on what we assume. Yoongi died even though we were all together. Assuming there's someone in here that kills, and it's not us" Namjoon said, looking at Taehyung "I think we should split. It'll be easier to find out if someone else is also in here"

With the corner of your eye, you saw Jimin was about to say something to you, but Taehyung just pulled your hand and walked towards the direction of MedBay.

"Let's finish our tasks" Taehyung said and you left the others behind.

It was the two of you at MedBay. Your task there was to submit scan. You looked around and saw a round base on the floor.

"I think you should stand on there" he said and pointed at the base.

As soon as you did, green lights scanned your body. While you were doing this, you and the boy had locked eyes with each other. You could see his anger and smiled softly at him.

"We're all angry, Tae. And we're all worried. But all we have is each other, and we should put trust in that. There's no way one of us would kill. I think Namjoon is right, there's probably someone in here hiding, maybe the one that kidnapped us"

"Don't smile at me like that. You're dying inside and I know it" he said

You tried to forget Yoongi's body, bathed in blood.

"If... if one of us killed Yoongi... I swear I won't be able to trust anything anymore" you said and looked away so he wouldn't see your teary eyes "This doesn't seem real. Tasks? Impostor? Yoongi dead? The only reason I'm a calm is because I don't think it's real. I'm sure I'll wake up in a while."

"Yeah..." he said "You'll wake up. And I hope I'll be next to you"

He was so sweet, like always. So protective, but sometimes it was too much, making you feeling weak.

In the corner of the room you noticed an iron door at the floor, being closed.

"What's this?" you asked and Taehyung approached it and tried to open it with no result.

"Look's like... a vent? But I can't open it"

As soon as he said that, Jimin entered. He looked at the both of you but then spoke to you.

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