22. Kiss and Dance

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It was your first time at a night club, and you couldn't get used to the loud music even after many minutes passed.

You and the guys saw Yoongi working as bartender, pouring the drinks for the costumers. You approached the counter with hardships, since you had a hard time walking between all these people and most of the times your body would end up stuck on another person's whose name you'd probably never get to know.

Yoongi noticed all of you and his mouth dropped open from the surprise. You all greeted him and he looked at you moved by your presence. 

"You sons of bitches... and daughter" he said and laughed "What are you doing here? Missed me already?"

"Who would miss you? We just wanna drink" Jungkook said and punched lightly his friend's arm

"Then make yourself comfortable, I'll make sure you'll taste the best of the best we have"

You weren't sure of what he meant by 'comfortable' since there were barely any seats. All of the people were standing, filling the whole room and they were dancing like there was no tomorrow. The smell of alcohol was invading in your system, calling you to taste some of it.

"Let's take two bottles of wine for the start" Jin said and since everyone agreed, he started discussing it with Yoongi and the boy gave you the two bottles and glasses.

You found a table to put them but there were no seats around, so you were just standing there. The rest of the boys seemed pretty comfortable, but you felt pretty anxious, overthinking how you have to stand or where to look. At some point you started looking at other people and an unknown boy winked at you, so you looked to the other side to avoid him, and your eyes fell on Taehyung who was now pouring the wine from the bottles to your glasses. He seemed pretty elegant with this shirt of his, the way his fingers were touching the glasses, and that smile.

You decided to apologize to him for earlier. You were sure he has misunderstood that you looked coldly at him and backed away one step, and you hated how he was avoiding your glances. You hated being on bad terms with each other.

He met your eyes and passed you your glass. You took it in your hands and your fingers slightly touched, but he quickly took them, averted his gaze and kept talking with Hoseok.

"Guys, don't feel too jealous when the girls of the club come to me to dance" Jin stated and Hoseok mocked him by saying Taehyung and Jungkook would probably be the most popular.

Jungkook told you something but you couldn't hear him from the loud music, so he came closer and his mouth almost touched your ear. You found this extremely satisfying.

"You look stiff, drink and you'll relax" he told you and touched your glass with his "Cheers" he said and smiled in a way you could have easily called seductive.

You couldn't possibly tell him no. You drank and felt the liquid burning you inside. You decided that for tonight, you had to set yourself free from all the non-stop stress and worries of your life. You'd dance and have fun with your friends without thinking about anything else. Jungkook was right, after a while you were much more relaxed and were already dancing with the guys. Yoongi was also leaving his place sometimes to come to you, and it was pretty obvious his mood had been much better. He was much more lively and his smile genuine.

"Where's Namjoon?" he asked and you told him he wanted to study.

The boy seemed disappointed but later shrugged it off, trying to be understanding to his friend "What this your idea?" he asked and you nodded with a smile.

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