33. True Impostor

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Jimin's head was in pain. He was trying to find a logical explanation about what was happening, but that process was only leading to more complex thoughts. The man standing in front of him, Kim Taehyung, was unknown to him, but he could swear that a while ago he was his close friend. 'I am you'. How could this phrase possibly have a meaning?

And then he remember the end. He remembered the road trip. He fell to the ground.

"That's right" Taehyung told him "You are dead. All of you are dead. You died that day at the road trip. You committed group suicide"

Jimin was about to have a mental breakdown, literally. He was looking at Taehyung like he saw a ghost in his place.

"Is this real? Where are we? And who the fuck are you? You are Kim Taehyung, you were... me? But now I can't remember seeing you again. Oh my God I'm going crazy, please TELL ME WHAT IS HAPPENING"

"As everyone knows, suicide is a sin, and you all committed it." Taehyung explained in a formal tone and to Jimin's ears these words sounded completely irrelevant


"Will you shut the fuck up and listen?! It's a serious sin, Jimin. You were all bound to go to hell. I saved you. I'm the one who, in a way, brought you here"

"I don't understand..."

"Of course you don't. It's game to choose one person. One person out of you to sacrifice himself. If the impostor loses, he's the person who will go to hell, saving the rest of you, who will go to heaven, despite committing suicide. Do you understand now, Jimin?"

When the boy didn't answer, Taehyung kept talking.

"I'm not human. I'm someone that has been watching you. Someone that asked for you not to be sent to hell, because, in a way, I love you. All of you. But it's only one person I can't save, and I didn't want to be the one to choose. You were put in here, in this spaceship and I changed your memories to think I'm one of you, a member of your team. I put myself in you. The Taehyung they all remember, is actually you. I took your part in life, and created a fake Jimin, a minor part for you. A fake life that actually never existed. Who am I? Y/N's guardian angel."

This was too much. Jimin was unable to process all of this information. Taehyung approached the boy and kneeled in front of him.

"After 30 round of killing each other but still being alive, I know you believe in supernatural. This is real, Jimin. But it must end. All of you are so exhausted and that means you can't think straight anymore, you won't ever win, cause the impostor is made to be the best player, the smartest, the most passionate and ready to sacrifice anything because they know they will lose something really important if they are found out; their afterlife in heaven. The eternity. So I decided to put an end in this."

He sat down, grabbing Jimin from the shoulders. They locked eyes, and Taehyung's stare was begging the other boy to understand.

"You know what will happen if I tell everyone else about this, right? You'll spent the eternity here fighting with each other about who will be the one to sacrifice themselves. It will be pure chaos, and it will only cause unhappiness and tears. I know what kind of person you are, Jimin. And I know that if I ask you to be the one to sacrifice himself, you will do it."

Now Jimin seemed to realize what Taehyung was trying to do. He closed his eyes, taking deep breaths and turning his head to the floor.

"Is everything you're saying true?"

"It is. You remember dying. I tried to hide that part of your memory before. You need to make a decision, Jimin. What I'm offering you, will save all of us from a lot of trouble. Otherwise, Jungkook, Namjoon, Yoongi, Jin, Hoseok or Y/N will be possible candidates for being sent to hell"

"Do you realize what you're asking me to do?"

"I do"

"And yet those words come out of your mouth so easily. You want me to be the person who will go there. Why?"

"Even the worst sins can be forgiven" Taehyung's voice became louder "your suicide can be forgiven. Other sins too. Even murder, your sin, can be forgiven. But this time, we have to choose one of the seven of you to be sent to hell. The others committed suicide because they couldn't stand their miserable lives. But you? You couldn't stand living your life as a murderer, that's why you did it the last night of your life. Because you knew you wouldn't be able to live with it, but at the same time, killing Lee Taemin felt like justice to you. Jungkook did serious sins too, but the difference between the two of you is that your decisions were well-thought, but his was out of anger and the feeling of betrayal. The other difference is that he has regretted it, but you haven't. Who of these friends of yours do you believe is right to be chosen, compared to you?"

"If that's the case, you should have chosen me from the beginning, but no, you let us play this game until this point. Why now? After kissing Y/N, did something change? And what's the reason you took my part in our memories? What was the point of this?"

Taehyung was really hoping he wouldn't have to answer that.

"We're where we are, I guess I'm gonna trust this to you. Angels say I'm more human than most humans, do you know why? I act like one. My worst trait is probably jealousy"

"You like her, right?"

"I love her" Taehyung confirmed "I can't even describe it and I don't know where it started. But liking the person you're supposed to watch as a guardian angel, doesn't ever have good ending. When all of you died and asked from the higher-ups to save you but with the cost of one person of you, you were indeed the first person to cross my mind. But I didn't want this to be up to me. I took the chance of coming here with you, feeling like I was one of you, and took the part I always wanted; yours. I always wanted to be you, Jimin, I always wanted to have that kind of connection with Y/N, I wanted her to be close to me and love me like she loved you. But even after I made you become a person she hardly had memories with... in the end, I couldn't break you apart. It was a lie to fool myself, to believe for a moment that I was the one she loved. I'm worse than humans, that needs to be told. When you kissed, I knew there was no hope for me. I realized how fucked up what I did was. How unfair to all of you, how I tricked you and myself, caught in a lie. There was no reason to keep playing this game, both because you will never win as crewmates, and because in the end, I can't change the reality. Kim Taehyung will never be Park Jimin. I'm the true impostor, like Yoongi once told me. You are the one she loves, not me. I wanted to feel like I was a part of her life, but I'm not. To conclude, Jimin, even though I realized all of these things, one more reason I wanted to pick you up was because I'm jealous of you, so much jealous to the point I almost hate you. And at  the same time, I love  you for all the good memories you have offered her"

But Jimin was human. He started crying, and Taehyung hugged him even though he knew that it wouldn't make things better. He was asking from a 18-year-old boy to sacrifice himself. Even the greatest heroes would tremble at this kind of request, since it was a decision about the eternity.

"I'm sorry, Park Jimin, but I need an answer"


A/N: please don't kill me

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