25. You believe me, right? (2)

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"I'm gonna show you something, and if you want it, I'm gonna give it to you for a low price since you're a friend" Oh Sehun said to Jungkook during the school break the other day

"Since when are you a salesman?" Jungkook joked and Sehun ignored him

The classmate pulled out his phone, searched to his gallery and after he made sure no one was around to hear them, he showed Jungkook a video.

"What is this? Porn?" Jungkook asked, since he saw a boy and a girl having sex

"Yeah, but the best part is that this girl is from our area. There are lots of rumors around her, she sent a picture of her  to her ex and it got leaked by him a few months ago, and now this video. He gave it to a friend of his and that friend to another friend, so, here we are"

But while Sehun was talking, Jungkook had already taken the boy's phone and looked carefully at the girl taking part in his. There was no mistake who that was, and he felt the world around him scattering to pieces.

"How much do you want?" Jungkook asked immediately and Sehun laughed

"I didn't actually expect you to be so interested..."

He named his price, Jungkook paid him and took the video. He left the school soon after that.


"She didn't come school today" Namjoon told Jungkook when he saw the younger boy standing at the school's gate.

"I see. She's probably home then" 

"Yeah. But Jungkook, are you okay? You seem about to explode"

"Can't talk right now, sorry" he said and left as soon as possible.

Namjoon looked at his friend turning his back to him and walking away, having a bad feeling in his guts.


Your mother knocked your door and you told her to come in. Taehyung was still sleeping on your bed.

"Sweetheart, Jungkook is asking for you" she told you

"He's here?!" you asked surprised.

It was school time, he hadn't texted and Taehyung was sleeping on your bed. Finding him out meant you'd have to explain your mental breakdown from last night, and you really thought you weren't ready for this.

You walked out of the room and closed the door behind softly. Jungkook wasn't in your house and he was just waiting outside. You got out of your house and smiled to him 

Why are you standing here?" you asked and approached him

But he didn't let you do so. He raised his hand and pushed you away, he didn't smile back to you, and when he looked at you, you saw the eyes of the boy you liked so much filled with anger and pain.

"What's wrong Kookie?" you asked

He didn't say anything in the beginning. He took his phone, searched for something and gave it to you.

Your first thought was that he had found out about the picture, but what was about to come was much worse than this. It was something you had no idea it existed.

It was a video of you and Taemin at a private moment of yours. It was at his house and from the video's eagle you realized it was a hidden camera. You fucking ex-boyfriend had recorded that moment without your approval or knowledge.

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