6. Why me?

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Jin's POV



When I first saw that word in red color, I knew it was something bad. I suddenly felt alone, I felt a burden inside of me.

"Did everyone see that? The blue word? Crewmate? Impostor? What the hell is going on?" Jimin said as we were all standing in a cafeteria.

Blue word? I saw in everyone's eyes that they had seen that too. But I had not. I had only seen an Impostor. And I wanted to say it, I wanted to say there was something wrong with me...

"I saw that too. And where are we?" my mouth said without my will.

It was unbelievable. I couldn't express what I was really feeling. I couldn't say anything that had to do with me and the word I saw. As if I was controlled, but at the same time, I was myself. 

When they said about a paper in our pockets, I read mine.

Sabotage and kill everyone

Fake tasks: ...

I had a list of task like everyone else. But my paper was calling them "fake", and said... to kill everyone? Sabotage? I felt really lost and Namjoon glanced at my paper. But he reacted like he saw a paper like everyone else's. 

No Namjoon... please... why can't you see it tells me to kill everyone?

I didn't really know the meaning of these words yet, but I was so afraid. I was afraid I couldn't ask for help, I felt nobody could see I was not okay, that I couldn't say what I wanted to say. I was acting like the normal me, I panicked, I freaked out, but it was not just because we were trapped in there and didn't know what to do. There was much more in this.

It happened when Yoongi was trying to swipe the card. Unconsiously, I looked at my palm. Right there, I had a little map of the whole place, like it was drawn in my hand, but still, I was once again the only one who could see it. Some rooms like O2 and electrical had some circles which I could press. I pressed the one at electrical, and suddenly, I heard my friends saying they couldn't see.

But still, I could see clearly.

I didn't know what was going on, and at the same time, I knew exactly what to do. Everyone headed at electrical, leaded by Namjoon. Yoongi tried to swipe the card a few more times.

No one saw I was still left behind.

It happened too fast.

A knife was in my hand but I had no memory of taking it from somewhere.

I attacked Yoongi.

My friend.

I pressed the knife against him and I wanted to scream. My whole existence wanted to cry and yell and scream and ask for help. But my body was moving on it's own. I could see things no one else could see. I had control over things no one else had.

I was killing my friends, I was sabotaging the map.

I wanted to die that very moment, as I left him behind like he meant nothing and ran to reach the others before they fixed the lights. I merged with them so they wouldn't suspect me.

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